Nautical Science and Maritime Transport B.Sc.

Find all the important information you need to get your studies off to a successful start here. 

The course programme page contains more information on your Nautical Science and Maritime Transport degree.

It all kicks off on Monday September 16th at 10:00 a.m. Upon being welcomed to the faculty, you will receive information about your study programme and the university in general. Your student buddy will help you gain access to the university’s infrastructure concerning logins, library access, WiFi access, etc. This week is also when the preparatory mathematics courses begin. These will help you freshen up on your basic maths skills. On the Friday of the first week, you will then be able to enjoy a relaxed weekend on the island of Borkum - should you have signed up for this.

Study buddy meet-ups and campus-based activities will be taking place throughout the entire first week. This means that, even at this early stage, you will find the right person to speak to at almost any time should any questions arise, allowing you to get your studies off to the best-possible start.


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Dates and Timetables

[Translate to english:] Termin-, Prüfungs- Stunden- und Raumpläne für die Studiengänge am Fachbereich Seefahrt und Maritime Wissenschaften


[Translate to english:] Der Nachrichtenfeed der Hochschule

Student Service Center

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