Elektronische Angebote
Databases, e-journals and e-books
Fact and full text databases, online encyclopedias, bibliographic databases, ... The University Library Emden/Leer licenses more than 60 databases, which are listed in the database information system ► DBIS.
E-journals are journals readable in a web browser. The link in the title data view in the library catalog redirects the user to the Electronic Journals Library (EZB)↑, which provides access to the full text of the e-journal. Access restrictions, e.g. for current volumes, are possible.
E-books are electronic books that can be read in a web browser. The University Library Emden/Leer offers access to more than 300,000 e-books. The full text can be accessed via the link in the title data view in the ► library catalog. Depending on the provider, text passages can be copied and individual chapters can be downloaded and printed out.
Research for electronic media
All databases licensed by the University Library are listed in the database information system ► DBIS. In addition to the specialist and factual databases licensed for a fee, a large number of databases freely accessible on the web are also listed here.
The three-part point system shows you which type of license it is:
- green = free on the web,
- yellow = available in the campus network,
- D = freely accessible throughout Germany as a DFG-funded national license
In DBIS, simply enter the name of the database you are looking for directly or find a suitable database via the entry in the subject overview.
The data sheets in DBIS provide information about the type and content of each database. The link "Start search" takes you to the respective database start page.
Please activate your VPN client at home to directly access the services of the University Library Emden/Leer.
Please note that some of the databases can only be accessed via the link stored in DBIS. Search engine hits may lead to pages that do not allow authentication via VPN or Shibboleth.
All e-journals directly licensed by the library are listed in our ► library catalog. Simply use the link in the detailed view to the hit and you will be directed to the data sheet of the e-journal in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB). From here you can go on to the page of the journal provider and the full texts available there.
The licensed journals of Spotlight Verlag can be used after free registration with the university email address.
If you want to limit your search in the library catalog to e- journals only, use the advanced search. Here you can determine the type of material you are looking for. If you check the box "Online periodicals" only e-journals will be displayed in the hit list.
You can also search for relevant titles directly at ► EZB. You will also find licensed e-journal offers which are available in licensed databases and may not be listed in the library catalog. Access to the EZB is free of charge.
In addition to the e-journals licensed for a fee, a large number of titles freely accessible on the web are also listed in the EZB.
The three-part point system shows you which type of license is involved:
green = freely accessible on the web,
yellow = all available volumes are available in the campus network,
yellow-red = selected volumes available in the campus network
Please activate your VPN client from home in order to directly access the services of the University Library Emden/Leer.
All e-books directly licensed by the library are listed in our ► library catalog. Simply use the link in the detailed view to the hit and get to the page of the respective provider and the full texts available there.
If you want to limit your search in the library catalog to e-books only, use the advanced search. Here you can determine the type of material you are looking for. If you check the box "Online resources (without periodicals)" only e-books will be displayed in the hit list.
Please activate your VPN client from home or log in with Shibboleth on the pages of the provider to get full texts displayed.