Integrierte und innovative maritime Technologien für Mobilität und Fischerei (IMM)
Akronym | IMM |
Laufzeit | 02/2025 - 07/2027 |
Fördersumme | 798.019,34 € |
Förderung durch | Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz |
Projektleiter | Prof. Michael Vahs |
Fachbereich | Maritime Wissenschaften |
Koop. Unternehmen/Institutionen | Waan Aelon in Majel - Canoes of the Marshall Islands (WAM); College of the Marshall Islands (CMI) |

The Republic of the Marshall Islands is a small low-lying atoll nation in the Pacific Ocean. Its very existence depends on ambitious global emission reduction to limit sea level rise. Despite this, it heavily relies on costly imported fossil fuels for its vital sea transport and fishing sector. The country works towards developing a zero-emission fleet as part of ongoing initiatives, but a successful paradigm shift throughout society is still pending.
The project merges emission-free boat design and construction, indigenous knowledge and modern maritime training for small-scale transport and fisheries. This breaks social and gender barriers, combining efforts in society and the private sector. Integrating innovative technologies into formal education and fosters societal sustainability and resilience. The project sends out a strong signal for the decarbonisation and autonomy of domestic sea transport, applicable to many Pacific Island States.
Adressierte UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele (SDGs)

Nachhaltigkeitsziele des Projekts: 2 - 5, 8, 9, 12 - 14
Prof. Michael Vahs
Bergmannstraße 36
26789 Leer
Tel.: 0491 / 92817 - 5022
E-Mail: michael.vahs(at)
Henrik Richter-Alten
Bergmannstraße 36
26789 Leer
E-Mail: henrik.richter-alten(at)