Maritime Technology and Shipping Management B.Sc.

You can find all of the key information for a successful start to your degree here.

The degree programme page contains more information about your Maritime Technology and Shipping Management degree programme.

It starts on Monday: you receive information about your own degree programme and the university at the faculty welcome. Together with your mentor, you get access to the university infrastructure – logins, library and WiFi access, etc. The mathematics preparatory courses, in which you initially brush up your mathematics foundations, already start this week. On the Friday of the first week comes the relaxed Borkum weekend, if you have signed up for it.

Meetings with your mentor and activities on the campus continue throughout the first few weeks. You can thus find the right person to talk to at almost any time for any questions that might come up during this time and get an ideal start to your degree.

Dates and Timetables

[Translate to english:] Termin-, Prüfungs- Stunden- und Raumpläne für die Studiengänge am Fachbereich Seefahrt und Maritime Wissenschaften


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