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Social Work and Health: closer to new visions for our society.

Would you like to study something that not only helps you academically and professionally but also as a person? Then come closer! Because the human factor takes centre stage in the Faculty of Social Work and Health. You can expect exciting insights and tasks with regard to our society’s interrelationships and challenges here. Specialists who are up to these challenges and have the perfect mix of theory and practice have the best prospects. And you get exactly this mix with us – whether it's classic areas such as social work or specialisations such as early childhood education, in which the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer plays a pioneering role nationwide. We look forward to seeing you!

Social Work and Health

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Fachbereich Soziale Arbeit und Gesundheit

Bei uns bist du ganz nah dran an spannenden wissenschaftlichen Ansätzen und Methoden, in denen der Mensch im Mittelpunkt steht:

Möchtest du mit deiner künftigen Arbeit Menschen helfen so wie unsere Studierende Daje Stöhr? Unsere Studiengänge im Fachbereich Soziale Arbeit und Gesundheit bieten dir viele aufregende Wege in deinen Traumjob; denn allen ist eines gemeinsam: Durch ihren perfekten Mix aus Theorie und Praxis, ihrer Nähe zu den gesellschaftlichen relevanten Fragen unserer Zeit bieten sie dir klare berufliche Perspektiven – und viel Raum für Spezialisierungen, um deine Talente zu entfalten.

Alle Studiengänge


Study the important social issues of your time.

Our project: your future.

What factors help people cope with difficult life situations? How can education and digital participation be shaped in the 21st century? These are just two questions that our research groups are dealing with.

Our projects also open up many more exciting research questions for you and therefore many highly interesting topics for your Bachelor's or Master's thesis. You will conduct research on socially relevant projects for the future with us, in an informal environment with close supervision by experienced and dedicated professors – an advantage that only a small but excellent campus university offers you.

Project: People.

To the project overview

Faculty of Social Work and Health study programmes

With a degree in Social Work and Health, you'll be close to important and exciting scientific approaches and methods that will open up new horizons for you – you can find out all about our study programmes here. 

Get into the science of today

The Bachelor's degree is the first academic degree and at the same time a vocational qualification from a university of applied sciences. The standard period of study is six to eight semesters. We offer the following Bachelor programmes:

Expand your academic qualifications

A Master's degree is the second step in your academic career. It offers you a variety of career opportunities and qualifies you for a doctorate. We offer the following Master study programmes:

I’m very close.

Janna Higgen
Director of Leinerstift Bildung, Beruf, Leben gGmbH, graduate of the Faculty of Social Work and Health

Very close to exciting career prospects.

Social Work and Health



At the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer you can find the perfect mix of practice and prospects, variety and valuable connections. How exactly does all this help our graduates? Watch the video now and find out more!

Mehr über den Fachbereich Soziale Arbeit und Gesundheit


Für den perfekten Start ins Studium findest du auf unseren Erstsemesterseiten alle wichtigen Informationen – immer auf neuestem Stand. 

Hilfen zum Studium

Hier findest du studiengangsübergreifenden Support rund um dein Studium im Fachbereich Soziale Arbeit und Gesundheit in Emden.


Sind Sie Entscheider*in, Träger, Einrichtung oder Dienst der Sozialen Arbeit und Gesundheit? Dann besuchen Sie unseren Praxismarkt. Vielleicht ergibt sich eine Zusammenarbeit.

University ambassadors

It doesn’t get closer than this: first-hand information.

Do you want to know what it’s like to study at the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer? Then it’s best to ask those who are closer to the action than anyone else: your future fellow students. 

Our university ambassadors

The faculty video

Hello to all prospective students!


If you have any burning questions that you’d like to have answered by a current student, you now have the possibility to contact our university ambassadors directly by email. We look forward to receiving your message!

Lisa Desch

“Thanks to diversity and practical relevance, many doors open up for me professionally here!"

Lisa Desch, Faculty of Social Work and Health University Ambassador