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Why choose the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer?

University ambassadors

It doesn’t get closer than this: first-hand information.

Do you want to know what it’s like to study at the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer? Then it’s best to ask those who are closer to the action than anyone else: your future fellow students. 

Auch zum Hören:

Der Studi-Schnack auf Spotify

Den Hochschulbotschafter*innen kannst Du auch ein Ohr schenken – in ihrem Podcast berichten sie rund ums Studium.

Hör mal rein!

Play the film for moving impressions!

A picture says more than a thousand words and a film says more than a thousand pictures. Sit back and accompany our university ambassador Lisa Desch. 

Mohan Jeganathan

"Working on a global future project like Elon Musk's Hyperloop? Unbeatable!"

Mohan Jeganathan, Faculty of Technology University Ambassador

Our university ambassadors

University sports

We offer you a wide range of sports activities.

Whether you prefer yoga, dancing, handball, football, frisbee, badminton, swimming, running, hockey, table tennis, dodge ball, basketball, spinning or any other sport  – you are closer to your favourite sport here!

Das sagen wir:

This question is easy to answer: 
We offer you pure practical relevance – in cooperation with companies from the region, including an internship semester. So you can already establish valuable links during your studies. Dedicated and highly qualified teachers promote your key skills, thus ensuring excellent career prospects. And variety is not neglected either: here you will learn in well-equipped laboratories and classrooms, even abroad if you wish, for example at one of our more than 120 partner universities worldwide. And you can choose from an unusually broad range of great study programmes. And what about when you’re not studying? You have the sea and the islands right on your doorstep! Any questions?

Schwarmintelligenz für eine bessere Zukunft?

» Emden/Leer ist ganz nah dran.


Studiere heute, was die Welt von morgen braucht.

Nachhaltigkeit studieren an der Zukunftshochschule Emden/Leer.
Eine Hochschule, an der du die Zukunft aktiv mitgestalten kannst – gibt es das? Ja, das gibt es: Die Hochschule Emden/Leer. Entdecke, wie wir Nachhaltigkeit in Theorie und Praxis leben – auf unserem Campus, in spannenden Studiengängen und Projekten sowie in der Forschung.
