Reregistration and fees

You have to re-register every year for a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme at the University Applied Sciences Emden.
You will be re-registered by transferring the semester amount mentioned below to the account of University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer.
You can review your personal balance via the Online-Portal.

Please note that in the event of late confirmation, a fee of € 25.00 will be charged.

Re-registration dates for enrolled students:

For the summer semester15.12. - 05.01.
For the winter semester15.06. - 30.06.

Bank account details:

Bank institute:Nord/LB Hannover
IBAN-No.:DE90 2505 0000 0101 4268 15

Note: Please indicate as reference, first of all your matriculation number (or application number) and then your first and last name.

Tuition fees:

Campus Emden:365,40 € per semester
Maritime Campus Leer:267,40 € per semester
Business Campus Leer:91,00 € per semester
Online-degree courses:189,00 € per semester
Technical Management/Business Intelligence and Data Analytics:5.980,00 € per semester
Advanced Management1.591,00 € per semester

Detailed informationen on the composition of the tuition fees can be found in this overview.

Please note that the tuition fees changed for this reason.

It is your own responsibility to enroll for a new semester before it starts - you will not receive a separate fee notification. If you do not give response in due time, you will be exmatriculated according to the requirements of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act.