Interdisciplinary Projects
- Aeolus Projekt - Distributed control of large scale offshore wind farms. A European research project funded by the European Commission under the IST framework program 7 for Information and Communication Technology, ICT.
- Cordless Screwdriver Race - Teams of students design and create one-person vehicles that can be powered by an electric screwdriver.
- HyperpodX - A team of students from University of Oldenburg and Emden participates in the SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Design Competition.
- Solarboot - Since 2005, interdisciplinary student teams have been developing and modifying a solar-powered boat.
- Wind Challenge - The project for our students team for the International Small Wind Turbine Contest.
Research projects
- AKZ - The Automated Classroom
- ASTRA / EULA - Measuring systems for analysis in 400 V three-phase networks
- Research focus on chemistry of renewable resources and polymer chemistry
- E-PPS - Reduce energy (costs) through intelligent production planning (BMBF research project)
- Energieautarke Sensorsysteme - Development of energy self-sufficient sensor systems (Interreg research project)
- FASva - Intelligent validation of driver assistance systems
- IMC-AESOP - ArchitecturE for Service-Oriented Process - Monitoring and Control
- INDIN - Research Network INDustrial INformatics
- Research focus on laser technology - Optics/photonics, laser technology, applied physics
- MATRIX-OOW/DIA - Materials science technology transfer to industrial practice (DFG research project)
- MentorING - Optimized start of studies for technical study programs
- PATE-VA - Project Analysis Technology Transfer Exploitation Agent (DFG research project)
- POPBL - School Science Teaching by Project Orientation
- PREmdeK - Prognosis and implementation of energy supply by means of decentralized power plants (BMU research project)
- REN ProV - Renewable Energy in Production - Organizational Requirements and Implementation (BMBF Research Project)
- SOOP - Safe offshore operations
- STIMEY- Aims to bring science to young people in order to motivate them to study or pursue a career in the MINT fields (mathematics, information technology, natural sciences, technology). An innovative e-learning platform is being developed, based on the wishes of the users, which includes students (ages 10-18), as well as teachers, parents and companies.
- MACICT - Modernisation of Master Curriculum in ICT for Enhancing Student Employability
School projects, other projects
- Cisco Networking Academy - A global platform to inspire students and instructors to make their future brighter by putting theory and hands-on-experience into practice
- flexEM - Flexible study courses for the study programs Electrical Engineering and Media Technology
- Formel X - Promotion of mathematical, scientific and technical education in the upper school (cooperation with JAG and VW)
- Chemie in der Grundschule - Chemistry in Primary School
- NEO-MINT - "Sustainable Development of East Frisia with MINT 2015", the follow-up project NEO-MINT2, is a project supported by the MWK (Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony) until 2020. The aim is to open up paths into higher education for more young people from the East Frisia region interested in MINT subjects (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology) and to attract them to study MINT, especially engineering.
- Solar-Rallye-Emden - An accredited regional competition at SolarMobil Deutschland which that enables the fastest and most creative solar car teams in the region to qualify for the final for solar model vehicles on September 19, 2020, during the Maritime Week in Bremen.