Moin at International Management!

In contrast to the other specialization subjects, which serve the acquisition of function-specific specialist knowledge, the "Corporate Management" concentration provides you with cross-functional competencies. This will enable you to successfully master practical challenges with a comprehensive understanding of corporate management. In particular, you will gain a systematic overview of the functions, tools and practice of management and also human resource management. Corporate management is more broad than deep, so this major is suitable for generalists.

Our contents:

Human resource management
Innovation Management
Strategic Management
Change Management
International Management

Our methods:

Presentation skills
Analytical and structured problem-solving skills
Scientific work

Prospects for "blue collar jobs": Despite a number of initiatives, there is a glaring shortage of qualified blue-collar workers in our region. In a joint research project with Prof. Dr. Klaske Veth (Hanzehogeschool Groningen), Prof. Dr. Florian Dorozalla investigated how blue-collar jobs can be made more attractive again. For this purpose, 50 interviews were conducted with apprentices, journeymen and owners of commercial companies on the Dutch and German side. The results show that the advantages of the skilled trades are not sufficiently perceived by potential trainees, while at the same time the social esteem for professions with "dirty hands" no longer seems to exist. The project was funded by the EU/Interreg/EDR and will be completed by the end of 2020.

Work 4.0 - The Handbook: In this anthology, which is being produced by Prof. Dr. Heike Nolte together with (former) master's students of the department, approaches to the cyber-physical integration of employees - or in other words: to transfer the ideas of Industrie 4.0 to the personnel and the organization of the entire company - are worked through in a practice-oriented manner. Each topic is accompanied by checklists to help practitioners apply the possibilities of digitization to HR management and the organization of the company in such a way that this results in new strategic options for the company. This anthology is scheduled for completion at the end of 2021.

The field of professional application is particularly wide for you, because you acquire universally applicable skills in your studies.

Assistant to the management
Personnel Officer
Trainee General Management
Management consultant

Summer term:

Organization I (Organizational Analysis)
Management II (Innovation Management)
Human Resource Management II (planning/recruitment/development)
Crisis Management in International M&As (in English)
International Human Resource Management (in English)

Winter Term:

Organization II (Process Management/Digitization)
Management I (Human Resource Management)
Human Resource Management I (Compensation/Evaluation/Strategy)
International Management for SMEs (in English)
General Management (business game in English)

Bundesministerium des Innern/Bundesverwaltungsamt (2018): Handbuch für Organisationsuntersuchungen und Personalbedarfsermittlung.

Göbel, Elisabeth (2017): Unternehmensethik, 5th edition, Konstanz.

Helfrich, Hede (2016): Wissenschaftstheorie für Betriebswirtschaftler, Wiesbaden.

Hentze, Joachim/Thies, Jörn (2012): Unternehmensethik & Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement, Stuttgart.

Kornmeier, Martin (2016): Wissenschaftlich schreiben leicht gemacht, 7th edition, Bern.

Nolte, Heike (1998): Organisation - Ressourcenorientierte Unternehmensgestaltung, Munich/Vienna.

Stock-Homburg, Ruth/Groß, Matthias (2019): Personalmanagement, 4th edition, Wiesbaden.

Vahs, Dietmar (2019): Organisation, 10th edition, Stuttgart.