The students self-administration has following responsibilities and task devided into different departments:
Students parliament [StuPa]
- Decides on rules
- Decides on political aims
- Decides on the budget plans
- Supporting in juristical matter of the rules for the students
Executive Committee [AStA]
- Business administration of students self-administration
- Creating the budget plan
- Manage finances of the self-administration
- Partner for funding projects
- Partner for supporting with devices, sport stuff and event needs
Students councils [FSR]
- First Level Support for students
- Individual support for upcoming questions
- Partner for fighting against unfriendly behaviour of professors and employees
- Overwatching und decisions in the legislation process of examination regulations.
The students self-administration is responsible for following matters that aren't available without it:
- Public transportation ticket through lower saxony
- Small credits for students
- Subsidizationes and discounts of all kinds
- Small and big events for students (executing or supporting):
- Winter and summer dance ball
- International evenings
- Welcome and introduction week of new students
- Get-in-touch weekend on Borkum
- Occasionally Breakfasts for students and university members
- Concerts
- Campus Cinema (CampusKINO)
- CampusParty festival
- T-Foyer parties (weekly parties on campus)
- Skiing events
- Surfing events
- and much more...
The students parliament elects the members of the executive committee (AStA) and devide on the rules and budget.
At HS E/L the students parliament has the primary role as general communication platform and controlling the executive committee.
Important decisions, that the bodies can't decide on their own are discussed and decided by the students parliament. The parliament also decides on funding requests reaching over 1.000 €.
Additionally to these dutys it has to commit to the following tasks:
Representation The students parliament is the only body that is elected directly from the students of our university. It has to commit to political and social tasks and dutys at university and in the public.
Legislation The students parliament is the legislative body of the students. It has to approve all changes of rules.
Election As legitimated body of all student it has the right to send delegations to other committees and the council of Studentenwerk Oldenburg. It is also electing the members of the executive committee.
Support The parliament supports the bodys in discussions and gives advices to important decisions in everyday work.
Parliamentary control As a parliament it has the right to overwatch the activities of the executive committee and its finances.
Budget The parliament has the right of decide on the budget of the executive committee. All changes and big financial decisions must be approved the students parliament.
If you have some complaints about the work of the students representatives or about members of them, and you can not solve it in a dialog with them, then you can write down your complaints and send them to us. You can use the formular in Moodle or send us an e-mail or letter.
In case you are not able to communicate with the persons because of major differences you can get in touch with the University.
Satzungen und Ordnungen der Studierendenschaft | |
27.01.2011 | |
05.03.2019 | |
08.01.2020 | |
09.07.2008 | |
13.11.2018 | |
07.05.2019 | Auswahl- und Abstimmungsordnung |
27.04.2004 | Ordnung zur Erstattung des Semesterticketbeitrages |
Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss | |
02.06.2015 | Geschäftsordnung des Allgemeinen Studierendenausschusses |
Mai 2010 | |
Fachschaftsräte | |
06.10.2015 | Geschäftsordnung des FSR EMI |
08.10.2014 | Geschäftsordnung des FSR Maschinenbau |
Oktober 2014 | Geschäftsordnung des FSR NWT |
27.01.2015 | Geschäftsordnung des FSR Seefahrt |
08.04.2015 | Geschäftsordnung des FSR SozialAG |
01.01.2017 | Geschäftsordnung des FSR Wirtschaft |
Data storage on network: Y:\aushang-oeffentlich\StuPa-Protokolle
Prefix | Name | Scheme | Example |
A | Proposal | S/JJ/# | A 2/18/1 |
B | Plenary decision | S/JJ/# | B 8/18/3 |
E | Decision proposal | #/JJ | E 015/19 |
S | Statement | #/JJ | S 006/18 |
U | Decision per circulation procedure | #/JJ | U 003/18 |
V | Board of directors decisions | #/JJ | V 002/18 |
AZ | File | #/JJ | AZ 013/18 |
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European Flag: Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash