Internship abroad

On this page we have summarized information concerning the funding opportunities and programs for you, as well as details about the recognition of credits received abroad. You will find further information regarding stays abroad, especially regarding an internet search for an internship and finance possibilities on our useful links page.

Here you can find our leaflet (in German) with information for an internship abroad.

If you complete a 2 to 12 month internship within the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, North Macedonia or Serbia this can also be funded through the Erasmus + Program (SMP):

  • Funding of mandatory internships and voluntary internships
  • The internship must be arranged with the university
  • Funding possible from the first year of study
  • Multiple funding BA, MA, PhD is possible (maximum 12 months per cycle, studies abroad and internships abroad will be summed up). The days stayed abroad without ERASMUSgrant (Zero Grant) will also be counted towards the max. contingent.
  • Multiple funding BA, MA, PhD is possible (maximum 12 months total per cycle)

Further information on ERASMUS internships can be found in the short explanation video clip of the German Academic Exchange Service.

A direct link to the European Union's Erasmus+ program can be found here.

Maybe also virtual or blended mobility could be interesting for you. Here are some reasons for this.

Application for Erasmus grant for internships during your studies:  Please use this online application form (please do not use Microsoft Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge as browser). Please also read the information regarding the online application. The online application must be submitted before the start of the internship. The Erasmus grant will be allocated according to the date of application. Please feel free to inquire in the International Office if there are still Erasmus funds available.

Application for Erasmus grant for graduate internships: Internships can also be funded with ERASMUS + within one year after completing the degree course. The condition is that the application is handed in as long as you are enrolled at our university. The application form can be found here.

Selection: The decision on the funding is made in the International Office with the approval of the departments, taking into account the budget. Significant selection criteria are the qualification and performance of the student, the meaningfulness of the planned stay in relation to the previous studies, the motivation as well as existing language skills that are necessary for the realization of the stay.

Possible monthly mobility grants:

These are the ERASMUS+ rates for internships abroad in the Erasmus Project 2023-25:

  • Group 1 (higher costs of living): Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Norway, Sweden: 750,- € per month (30 days)
  • Group 2 (average costs of living): Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain: 690,- € per month (30 days)
  • Group 3 (lower costs of living): Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey: 640,- € per month

Possible top ups:

  • Single payment of 50 € for "green travel" of more than 50% of the total distance ==> in total for return trip
  • Up to 4 days additional grant for "green travel" if needed
  • Top up of 250 € monthly for the following student groups (only possible for one criterion even if several are true):
    • Students with a chronic disease who have an increased financial need abroad
    • Students with a degree of disability of minimum 20
    • Students, who go abroad with a child/children
    • First generation students (parents have not studied)
    • Working students (certain conditions have to be fulfilled)

These are the ERASMUS+ rates for internships abroad in the Erasmus Project 2024-26:

  • Group 1 (higher costs of living): Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden: 750,- € per month (30 days)
  • Group 2 (average costs of living):  Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain: 690,- € per month (30 days) (same amount as in group 3)
  • Group 3 (lower costs of living): Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey: 690,- € per month (30 days) (same amount as in group 2)

Possible top ups:

  • (50 € Top Up for "green travel" no longer applies)
  • Up to 6 days additional grant for "green travel" if needed
  • Top up of 250 € monthly for the following student groups (only possible for one criterion even if several are true):
    • Students with a chronic disease who have an increased financial need abroad
    • Students with a degree of disability of minimum 20
    • Students, who go abroad with a child/children
    • First generation students (parents have not studied)
    • Working students (certain conditions have to be fulfilled)

The grant will be transfered in two rates: 75 % before or at the beginning of the mobility and 25% after the mobility, when all ERASMUS documents will have been handed in.

Calculation example: A mobility of 100 days equate to a full mobility of 3 grant-months and 10 days (3x monthly rate + monthly rate/30 days x 10 days)

You would like to study at a university that cannot be funded with the ERASMUS + program or other DAAD programs? For a study semester of 1-6 months you can apply for the PROMOS program directly at the International Office of HS Emden/Leer. Here you will find the current call for tenders. For advice and questions about the PROMOS program, please contact Ms. Janine Hülsen (janine.huelsen|at| Further information on the program can also be obtained directly from the DAAD at:


Please note the following:

Support may only be granted if there is no travel warning from the Foreign Office for the region in question. See

Scholarship holders with physical disabilities can sign up for a special requirement. Therefore, an informal application must be submitted to the International Office.

There is a selection process. The approval rate and amount depends on the respective financial allocation. The selection takes place in a selection committee, which consists of representatives of the faculties/departments, employees of the International Office and the Vice President for international affairs.

Please address feedback and criticism of the selection process to Dr. Sandra Koch (

HAW.International programme of the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) for internships abroad of min. 2 and max. 6 months duration in the private and public sector  

You have to apply individually via the DAAD portal, thus there can be no counselling from the International Office or the international faculty coordinators. In case of questions, please inform yourself in the announcement text/FAQs or contact the DAAD directly. Please inform the International Office if the HAW.Interntional scholarship has been granted to you in order to avoid two grants at the same time as this is not allowed for the same purpose.

You will find further information in regard to this programme on our announcement page.

Here you will find a link to the DAAD Scholarship Database, which shows you further ways to finance an internship abroad. Here you will find a link with further information from the DAAD concerning internships abroad. 

You can find a good overview of possibilities to finance your stay abroad also in the scholarship brochure of the DAAD, including scholarships of other organisations as well (brochure is in German).

under certain circumstances, students who receive the regular BAföG and also students who are not eligible for the regular BAföG may receive funding for an internship abroad (Auslands-BAföG).

Application: At different BAföG offices, depending on the target country ==> if possible apply 6 months before your stay abroad

Prerequisite: The internship must be part of the curriculum with a minimum duration of 12 weeks

Amount of exemption: 300 Euros per month of a scholarship are not considered for the calculation of "Auslands-BAföG". In addition, the top-up for fewer opportunities will not be consired for the calculation if it is granted for students with a disability, a chronic disease or students, who take their children with them (

Funding: If applicable regular BAföG-funding + lump sum for travel costs + subsidy for insurance + subsidy for a stay outside of the EU and Switzerland

Further information: 

Students who get Bafög for their studies in Emden/Leer (Inlandsbafög) must inform "Studierendenwerk Oldenburg" about their stay abroad as otherwise, there can be legal consequences.

You can now find the current internship offers in the Career Port under the following link: Career Port

In order to receive all vacancies from different countries, you must make the following changes:

1. Go to "My Page"

2. Then click on "Customize my criteria"

3. Scroll down to "3. Languages" and select “also display content in the following languages" all other languages (such as English, Spanish ...)

4. Then go to "Save".

The Career Service also has a special project "Interreg" to help students to find interships in the Netherlands. Further information on this project can be found here.

The ERASMUS + internship platform also offers search options for internships abroad. There you can also set your own profile.

Also look at our announcementsfor internships and financing programs.

Useful links to find an internship can be found here.

Please mind that you can apply for the ERASMUS scholarship for internships in the ERASMUS area (EU countries + Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Macedonia, Turkey, Serbia).

Please also note that knowledge of the national language in the call for tenders is often not required (English is sufficient then).

Also numerous foundations might offer a financial support for your internship abroad. A comprehensive overview can be found at

Please also see our internal link "Announcements".

How to write application and the corresponding documents differ from country to country. You should inform yourself as early as possible about it (e. g. go to the library, look in the internet, ask your language teachers). Here are some useful links:

Among others information about applications in many countries: 

Europass CV: (this video explains the different functions:

Advice for applications in Englisch: 

Advice for applications in French:  

Advice for applications in Spanish:

What is a good internship abroad? The quality check internship abroad is primarily aimed at internship seekers and shows criteria that help in the preparation of an internship abroad.

The recognition of a training module integrated into the curriculum is analogous to a completed training module in Germany.

Also for voluntary internships abroad, the student should choose a supervisor in the faculty, who at least ensures the entry of the voluntary internship into an Annex to the diploma supplement (see also below).

ERASMUS+ Learning Agreement for Traineeships before mobility

ERASMUS+ Learning Agreement for Traineeships during mobility (in case of changes) 

Explanations to the ERASMUS+ Learning Agreement for Traineeships (only in German)

ERASMUS+ Traineeship Certificate

Learning Agreement for Traineeships outside ERASMUS

Traineeship Certificate außerhalb ERASMUS+

After your stay abroad, you will also receive a Transcript of Records for Traineeships abroad and your stay abroad will be documented in the Annex to the Diploma Supplement. The conditions for this and further information can be found below on the page under "Recognition documents of the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer".

If there are problems concerning the recognition please contact the examination board of your faculty/department.

University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer will provide its students with a "sending institution's transcript of records" within 5 weeks after the receipt of the traineeship certificate and will document the stay abroad in an "annex to the diploma supplement", which the students will receive after completing their studies. The following steps are necessary for this:

  1. Present the traineeship certificate of the foreign institution/company as well as the learning agreement for traineeships to your internship supervisor in the faculty.
  2. Download the electronic recognition form.
  3. Save the document under a new name and fill it out as far as you can (please type the data at the computer, not by hand!). Here is an example.
  4. E-mail the document to your internship supervisor in your faculty (please don't change the file format, it still has to be possible to fill in data!).
  5. He/ she signs it as "sending instituion's transcript of records" as well as "annex to the diploma supplement".
  6. You will receive the version "sending institution's transcript of records". Janine Hülsen ( at the International Office needs a copy of the signed document.
  7. The "annex to the diploma supplement" will be forwarded to the Examinations Office, where it will remain until the end of your studies when the diploma supplement will be issued. Internships that are part of the curriculum will be recorded.

Please also remember to check your insurance (eg. health insurance, liability insurance, accident insurance) forvalidity abroad before your stay abroad!

Health insurance in the EU: Unpaid internship ==> health insurance covered by current European Health Insurance Card (EHIC); paid internship ==> compulsory insurance in the country of the internship via the responsible social insurance agency, starting at the first cent or at a certain income. In this case please get in contact with your current health insurance agency.

In general: A good insurance option is provided by the DAAD (health insurance, liability insurance, accident insurance). Further information about costs, requirements, services, etc. can be found here.