Laboratory for Maneuverability
The Manoeuvring Lab is designed as a didactic and scientific platform for ship manoeuvring by the use of scaled models. Different ship models up to a length of 2 metres are available for trials, demonstrations and scientific investigations in an open water tank (15 metres x 3 metres, depth 0.5 metres). The tank is equipped with a counter-current system and wind field generator for the analysis of hydrodynamic and aerodynamic effects on ships.
A photogrammetric system is installed to measure and analyse ship motion with high resolution. The development of model test for innovative sail systems as Flettner-rotors form a special focus in research activities for environmental friendly and sustainable ship operation with so called "Wind-Hybrid" propulsion.
Head of the Laboratory for Maneuverability: Prof. Kapt. Michael Vahs
Team of the Laboratory for Maneuverability: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Göken / Jan-Dirk Meyer, B. Sc. / Christian Stampa, B. Eng.
The laboratory for maneuvering technology is located in the Maritime College of Technology.