And off you go!
Stays abroad during studies become increasingly important for students of all fields of study. They will not just increase your chances on the employment market significantly. You will also personally benefit from the intercultural exchange. So if you are planning to spend a period of your studies abroad, we can congratulate you at this point: No matter if you chose a study semester, a practical semester, or a thesis abroad, it will definitely be a profitable period of life for you on a professional and personal level. And a stay abroad can also have a positive effect on your professional career as a recent study of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in collaboration with the "Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft" shows.
- You will receive further information at our informational events.
- In addition, you have the opportunity to arrange a personal consultation meeting.
- Get some inspiration on the website “Studieren weltweit” of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (where you can also find some information about internships abroad
- What do the students say who have already experienced a semester abroad? Just read the reports about their experiences in the intranet of our university (you have to log in with your university account) or follow the internet blogs of our students abroad (link to the intenet blogs) or follow the reports of the current student Erasmus reporters.
- A new Online-Seminar about a study abroad period at our partner university in Australia "University of the Sunshine Coast" can be found here.