Further scholarships

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers (international) students the opportunity to find scholarships according to their individual field of study and study phase within the framework of a scholarship database.

Information on the scholarship database and other DAAD funding opportunities can be found here.

The Deutschlandstipendium was initiated by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and is aimed at students of all nationalities who can distinguish themselves with good performance and a special social commitment. In addition, personal background plays an important role in the approval of this scholarship.

The scholarship aims to promote talented young people in Germany in the future and support them in their academic goals.

Further information on the Deutschlandstipendium and current calls for applications or application deadlines can be found >>here.

In addition to the Deutschlandstipendium, the Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences also offers the so-called Niedersachsenstipendium. This is a one-time tuition fee scholarship in the amount of 500 euros. These funds are provided by the state of Lower Saxony.


For more information on the Niedersachsenstipendium and the next call for applications, click >>here.

Scholarships of the initiative "Stipendium Plus - Begabtenförderung im Hochschulbereich" (Scholarship Plus - Support for Gifted Students in Higher Education) are aimed at highly qualified and responsible young academics who can meet the requirements of future leadership and responsibility.


More information on funding opportunities and requirement profiles can be found here.