Laboratory for ship operating systems
In addition to the propulsion engines, ship operating systems form the core of the technical equipment on ships. Different fluids and gases are transported in the piping systems and used for different tasks. The piping systems consist of a large number of components which have different tasks due to their different properties.
In order to be able to better assess the properties of these components, a collection of the usual pipeline components was purchased. These components are measured in the laboratory for ship operating systems and evaluated for their use.
The core of the laboratory for ship operating systems consists of a combined pump test bench. A flexible test stand construction with a speed-controlled centrifugal pump, a measuring section with the associated measuring technology and a water reservoir enable different test setups.
With this test stand different components of ship operating systems (fittings, filters, heat exchangers etc.) can be measured with regard to their fluid mechanical properties.
An extension of the test rig allows the measurement of heat exchangers with regard to their thermodynamic properties.
In addition, a small workshop area is under construction in the laboratory for ship operating systems, where the above mentioned components and other machine components can be disassembled and examined.
Head of Laboratory for Ship Operating Systems: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Freerk Meyer
Team Laboratory for Ship Operating Systems: Christian Stampa, B. Sc.
The Laboratory for Ship Operating Systems is located in room K 03.