We hope you will join us at the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer! Whether you would like to study here within the framework of Erasmus+, another exchange programme or as an independent student (so called "free mover"), we welcome you to apply.
Application deadlines:
Fall term (Sep - Feb): 31. May
Spring Term (Mar - July): 30. Nov
Application Forms:
- Please fill in the respective LEARNING AGREEMENT
(ATTENTION: the Learning Agreement will be provided by your home university)
It is important to emnsure that all statements of the "Home Instituion's Proof" are true and complete .
Detailed information about OLA (Online-Learning Agreement) please find HERE
OVERVIEW of courses in ENGLISH | |
OVERVIEW OF ALL FACULTIES (courses in EN) | Link |
NEW! Certificate Program "Renewable Energy" | Link |
English Program - Faculty of BUSINESS STUDIES | Link |
Individual Projects/Final Projects/Thesis can be offered at the Faculty of Technology in German or Englishupon request.
In this case the project intention has to be indicated in the Learning Agreement.
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | ||
Electrical Engineering and Automation Technology | Link | |
Computer Science | Link | |
Media Technology | Link | |
Selected courses In ENGLISH | Link | |
MASTER: | ||
Industrial Informatics | ||
Department of Mechanical Engineering | ||
Industrial and Business Systems (IBS) | Link | |
Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design | Link | |
Selected courses in ENGLISH language | Link | |
Department of Natural Sciences | ||
Biotechnology/Bioinformatics | Link | |
Chemical Engineering/ Environmental Technology | Link | |
Engineering Physics | Link | |
Sustainable Energy Systems | Link | |
Sustainable Energy Systems: Lectures in ENGLISH language | Link | |
MASTER: | ||
Engineering Physics | Link | |
Applied Life Sciences | Link | |
Business Administration | Link | |
International Business Admistration | Link | |
MASTER: | ||
Business Management | Link | |
Management Consulting | Link | |
Exchange Programme "Supporting families, children and youths in their environment" (in English language) | Link | |
Interdisciplinary Physiotherapy-Motology-Occupational Therapy | Link | |
Social Work | Link | |
Social and Health Management | Link | |
Early-childhood-education | Link | |
Inclusive Education in early Childhood | Link | |
MASTER: | ||
Social Work and Health in the Context of Social Cohesion | Link | |
Nautical Science and Maritime Transport | Link | |
Maritime Technology and Shipping Management | Link | |
Courses in ENGLISH | Link | |
MASTER: | ||
International Master of Maritime Operations | Link |
Fall Term 2024-25 | ||
Orientation weeks for exchange-/Erasmus+-students mid of September 2024 |
| |
Beginning of Fall Term 01.09.2024 |
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Beginning of lecture period 23.09.2024 |
| |
Application deadline for intern. exchange-/Erasmus+ students for next Spring Term 30.11.2024 |
| |
Christmas break 23.12.2024 - 05.01.2025 |
| |
End of lecture period incl. exam period 31.01.2025 |
| |
End of Fall Term 28.02.2025 |
| |
Spring Term 2025 | ||
Orientation weeks for exchange-/Erasmus+-students 20.02.2025 - 28.02.2025 | ||
Start of Lectures 03.03.2025 | ||
Application deadline for intern. exchange-/Erasmus+ students for next Fall Term 31.05.2025 | ||
End of lecture period incl. exam period 04.07.2025 | ||
End of Spring Term 31.08.2025 |
Follow the link in order to check theLANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS of our University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer
Every semseter the International Office offers "Orientation Weeks" before lecture start.
Ab dem Wintersemester 2022/23 bietet die Hochschule Emden/Leer ein englischssprachiges Nachhaltigkeitsprogramm an. Dies ermöglicht es unseren internationalen Austauschstudierenden aller Fachbereiche innerhalb nur eines Semesters einen Einblick in ökologische, soziale und wirtschaftliche Herausforderungen zu bekommen.
Das Programm besteht aus vier Komponenten:
1. Wissenschaftliche Einführung zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Verantwortung
2. Seminar bzw. Vorlesung mit dem Schwerpunkt Nachhaltigkeit
3. Ehrenamtliches Engagement in einem der vielen nachhaltigen Projekte und Initiativen der Hochschule
4. Besuch einer Firma bzw. eines Forschungsprojektes zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit
Nähere Informationen hierzu erhalten Sie hier.
General Grading System: “very good“, “good”, “satisfactory”, “sufficient”
Non-official Abstract:
§ 11 (2) General Part (Part A) of the examination regulations for all bachelor courses (BPO) of the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer.
§ 14 (2) General Part (Part A) of the examination regulations for all master courses (MPO) of the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer.
1) The grading system should be used as follows:
Numerical scale | Textual scale | Description |
1,0; 1,3 | very good | an extremely outstanding perfomance |
1,7; 2,0; 2,3 | good | an extraordinary performance above the average standard |
2,7; 3,0; 3,3 | satisfactory | a performance that meets the average standard |
3,7; 4,0 | sufficient | a performance that meets the minimum criteria despite its shortcomings |
5,0 | insufficient | a performance that cannot be awarded any credits due to substantial shortcomings |
2) In case the performance is graded by two examiners, the final grade results from the mean of the two individual grades.
Further information: Admission and Examination Office / Examination Regulations
Information for Incoming Students you can find here.
Fact Sheet, more information and downloads you may find HERE.
Entry into Germany: with or without a visa?
If your nationality is from a country of the European Union (EU), of the European Economic Area (EEA) or from Switzerland, you do not need a visa to enter Germany. You only require a valid passport. However, within 2 weeks after entry into Germany you are required to register at the local Residents’ Registration Office (Einwohnermeldeamt) in order to receive a residence permit.
If your nationality is from a non-European country, you need a visa (category D). Whether you require a visa for study purposes for entering Germany or whether you can obtain the required residence title for study purposes only after entry into Germany depends on the country you come from and on how long you plan to stay in Germany. For further information, please contact the Federal Foreign Office
It is important for you to enquire about the necessary formalities for applying for a visa at the earliest possible date. We advise you to apply for a visa in good time as it usually takes several weeks to process the visa application.
For further information about the documents required, please contact one of the German Missions Abroad, i. e. the German Embassy or the General Consulate of the German Embassy in your home country or country of residence.
Click here to learn more:
Citizens' Office Emden:
Frickensteinplatz 2, 26721 Emden (in German only):
International students have to have a health insurance, which is valid in Germany in order to register at the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer. There is a possibility that your health insurance from home is valid here in Germany as well.
For detailed information please click here.