Scientific publications


  • Agnes Pechmann,  Félix G. Lafontaine: On the Way to Teach Sustainability, Beta-Testing the ERPsim Sustainability Game, S. 44-50 in: Uta Mathis et. al. (Hrsg.): Konferenzband der SAP Academic Community Conference 2023 (D-A-CH) DOI:


  • Maximilian Zarte, Agnes Pechmann, Isabel L. Nunes: "Problems, Needs, and Challenges of a Sustainability-Based Production Planning", MDPI - Sustainability, 2022, 14 (7), 4092.
  • Maximilian Zarte, Agnes Pechmann: "Educational Concept and Application of Problem-Based Learning Using a Virtual Learning Factory", SSRN, 2022.


  • Maximilian Zarte, Agnes Pechmann: "ERPsim Game als praxisnahes Beispiel für Problemorientierte Lehre", SAP Academic Community Conference DACH, 2021, DOI:
  • Stefan Kassen, Holger Tammen, Maximilian Zarte, Agnes Pechmann: "Concept and Case Study for a Generic Simulation as a Digital Shadow to Be Used for Production Optimisation", MDPI - Processes, 2021, 9(8), 1362; DOI:
  • Maximilian Zarte, Agnes Pechmann, Isabel L. Nunes: "A Fuzzy Inference Model for Social-Sustainability Production Planning", nternational Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2021, ISBN: 978-3-030-79816-1
  • Maximilian Zarte, Agnes Pechmann, Isabel L. Nunes: "Fuzzy Inference Model for Decision Support in Sustainable Production Planning Processes—A Case Study", MDPI - Sustainability, 2021, 13(3), 1355;, DOI:


  • Maximilian Zarte, Agnes Pechmann, Isabel L. Nunes: "Principles for Human-Centered System Design in Industry 4.0 – A Systematic Literature Review", International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-51368-9
  • Maximilian Zarte, Agnes Pechmann: "Implementing an Energy Management System in a Learning Factory – A Project-Based Learning Approach", Procedia Manufacturing, 2020,


  • Maximilian Zarte, Jeffrey Wermann, Philipp Heeren, Agnes Pechmann: "Concept, Challenges, and Learning Benefits Developing an Industry 4.0 Learning Factory with Student Projects", IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2019
  • Maximilian Zarte, Agnes Pechmann, Isabel L. Nunes: "System-of-Systems Approach for Sustainable Production Planning and Controlling in Manufacturing Companies", International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-20039-8
  • Maximilian Zarte, Agnes Pechmann: "Concept for Introducing Sustainable Product Service Systems through aBusiness Game", Procedia CIRP, 2019,
  • Agnes Pechmann, Jeffrey Wermann, Armando Walter Colombo, Maximilian Zarte: "Using a semi-automated job-shop production system model to prepare students for the challenges of Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems", Procedia Manufacturing, 2019,
  • Elena Mäkiö-Marusik, Armando Walter Colombo, Juho Mäkiö, Agnes Pechmann: "Concept and case study for teaching and learning industrial digitalization", Procedia Manufacturing, 2019,
  • Jeffrey Wermann, Armando Walter Colombo, Agnes Pechmann, Maximilian Zarte: "Using an interdisciplinary demonstration platform for teaching Industry 4.0", Procedia Manufacturing, 2019,
  • Maximilian Zarte, Agnes Pechmann, Isabel L. Nunes: "Indicator framework for sustainable production planning and controlling", International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 2019,
  • Maximilian Zarte, Agnes Pechmann, Isabel L. Nunes: "Decision support systems for sustainable manufacturing surrounding the product and production life cycle – A literature review" Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019,


  • Maximilian Zarte, Agnes Pechmann, Isabel L. Nunes: "Indicators and Goals for Sustainable Production Planning and Controlling from an Ergonomic Perspective", International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-319-94333-6
  • Maximilian Zarte, Agnes Pechmann, Isabel L. Nunes: "Design of a Platform for Sustainable Production Planning and Controlling from an User Centered Perspective", International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-319-94333-6
  • Maximilian Zarte, Ude Wunder Agnes Pechmann: "Concept and Demonstration of a Generic Simulation to Identify Production Bottlenecks", IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2018
  • Maximilian Zarte, Agnes Pechmann, Isabel L. Nunes: "Sustainable Evaluation of Production Programs Using a Fuzzy Inference Model – A Concept", 10th CIRP Conference on Product Service Systems, 2018,
  • Stefan Woltmann, Maximilian Zarte, Julia Kittel, and Agnes Pechmann: "Agent Based Simulation Model of Virtual Power Plants for Greener Manufacturing", 25th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, 2018,
  • Maximilian Zarte, and Agnes Pechmann, "Case Analysis of Photovoltaic System Shared by a Small Enterprise and a Houshold", 25th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, 2018,


  • Maximilian Zarte, Ude Wunder, and Agnes Pechmann: "Concept and First Case Study for a Generic Predictive Maintenance Simulation in AnyLogic", 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2017
  • Maximilian Zarte, Agnes Pechmann and Isabel Nunes, "Concept for Intellegent Decision Model with Fuzzy Logic to Balance the Energy Demand with Renewable Energies", Presentation, 47th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2017
  • Maximilian Zarte and Agnes Pechmann, "Concept for Introducing the Vision of Industry 4.0 in a Simulation Game for Non-IT Students", IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2017
  • Moritz Götting, Frederik Gosewehr, Marcel Müller, Jeffrey Wermann, Maximilian Zarte, Armando Walter Colombo, Agnes Pechmann and Elmar Wings, "Methodology and Case Study for Investigating Curricula of Study Programs in Regard to Teaching Industry 4.0", IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2017
  • Agnes Pechmann and Maximilian Zarte, “Procedure for generating a basis for PPC systems to schedule the production considering energy demand and available renewable energy”, 9th CIRP IPSS Conference: Circular Perspectives on Product/Service-Systems, 2017,
  • Agnes Pechmann, Fadi Shrouf, Max Chonin, Nanke, Steenhusen: Load-shifting potential at SMEs manufacturing sites: A methodology and case study. In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78, S. 431–438, 2017,
  • Agnes Pechmann, Nanke Steenhusen und Maximilian Zarte, "Leitfaden zur systematische Bestimmung von Lastverschiebepotentialen in Klein- und mittelständischen Unternehmen des produzierenden Gewerbes", new energy world, 2017,
  • Maximilian Zarte and Agnes Pechmann, “Economic Analysis of Decentralized, Electrical- and Thermal Renewable Energy Supply for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises”, 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, 2017,
  • Maximilian Zarte and Agnes Pechmann, “Energiewende im Produktionsbetrieb - Selbstversorgung durch erneuerbare Energien - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen”, Industrie 4.0 Management, 1/2017
  • Agnes Pechmann, “Energieeffiziente Produktionsplanung und -steuerung - E-PPS: Optimierung der Produktionsplanung und -steuerung nach Liefertermin und Energieverbrauch,” Industrie 4.0 Management, 1/2017


  • Pechmann, Agnes; Schöler, Ilka; Ernst, Sabrina: Possibilities for CO2-neutral manufacturing with attractive energy costs, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016,
  • Pechmann, Agnes; Zarte, Maximilian: Simulation optimiert Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien - Energetische Analysen für nachhaltige Fertigung. In: ti! Technologie-Information (03), S. 29., 2016 Online verfügbar unter
  • Zarte, Maximilian; Pechmann, Agnes: Economic analysis of renewable energy production with photovoltaic- and solar thermic systems for small and medium-sized enterprises. In: EuroSun 2016, 2016,
  • Zarte, Maximilian; Pechmann, Agnes; Wermann, Jeffrey; Gosewehr, Frederik; Colombo, Armando Walter: Building an Industry 4.0-compliant lab environment to demonstrate connectivity between shopfloor and IT levels of an enterprise. In: IECON 2016 - 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2016, 10.1109/IECON.2016.7792956


  • Steenhusen, Nanke; Pechmann, Agnes: Die grüne Fabrik - Energieerzeugung durch virtuelle Kraftwerke. Karrierestart Young Professionals Technik. Institut für Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen, Sommersemester 2015, S. 76 - 79.
  • Steenhusen, Nanke (2015): Erlösmöglichkeiten für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen durch Bereitstellung von Regelleistung. Eine Masterthesis. Hg. v. Agnes Pechmann. Emden: Hochschule Emden/Leer (Schriftenreihe der Hochschule Emden/Leer, Band 15).
  • Pechmann, Agnes; Hackmann, René: CO2 neutral manufacturing: Classification matrix on the suitability of manufacturing sites to run on renewable energies. In: A. Kungolos, K. Aravossis, C. Laspidou, P. Samaras, and K.-W. Schramm, eds. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 2015) and SECOTOX Conference. Thessaloniki, Greece: Grafima Publications, 458–468.


  • Pechmann, Agnes; Schöler, Ilka; Ernst, Sabrina: Possibilities for CO2 neutral manufacturing with attractive energy costs, in: Conference Proceedings of the 17th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production - ERSCP 2014.
  • Pechmann, Agnes; Chonin, Max; Steenhusen, Nanke: Load Balancing potential of SME manufacturing sites in North Western Germany – a bottom up case study, in: Conference Proceedings of the 17th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production - ERSCP 2014.
  • Pechmann, Agnes; Schöler, Ilka; Ernst, Sabrina: "Balancing demand and supply - a production site run by it`s own 100 % renewable energy supply";Poster-presentation at the Energy Systems Conference 2014 in London.
  • Pedro Rodrigues, Isabel L Nunes, Pechmann Agnes: “Developing an input-output model for benchmarking company resource usage”; Poster presentation at the Energy Systems Conference 2014 in London.


  • Sabrina Ernst, René Hackmann; Pechmann, Agnes; Ilka Schöler: A simulation based feasibility study to satisfy the energy demands of SME production sites by their own multi-source renewable power-plants. Veröffentlichung zur Intelligent Energy Systems (IWIES) Conference, IEEE International Workshop 2013, in Wien; online erschienen unter IEEE Conference Publications 2013. ISBN:978-1-4799-1135-1/13/.
  • Pechmann, Agnes; Ichoua, Soumia: Production Scheduling for Sustainable Manufacturing Systems. In: Key Engineering Materials, 572, 235; 2013.
  • Pechmann, Agnes; Schoof, Matthias; Tampe-Mai, Karolin: PIFURRA-Pull Information FromUnknown/Unfamiliar Research Results Automatically. In: Dennis Hilgers Frank T. Piller (Hg.):Praxishandbuch Technologietransfer. Innovative Methoden zum Transfer wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse in die industrielle Anwendung. 1. Aufl. Düsseldorf: Symposion Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-86329-595-0


  • Pechmann, Agnes; Schöler, Ilka; Hackmann, Rene (2012): Energy Efficient and Intelligent Production Scheduling - Evaluation of a new Production Planning and Scheduling Software. In: D. A. Dornfeld und Barbara S. Linke (Hg.): Leveraging technology for a sustainable world. Proceedings of the 19th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, USA, May 23-25, 2012. Heidelberg ;, New York: Springer, S. 491–496. ISBN 978–3-642-29068-8
  • Pechmann, Agnes; Hackmann, Rene; Schöler, Ilka (2012): Measuring and Visualizing different Energy Sources: A Concept for an Energy Management System. In: D. A. Dornfeld und Barabara S. Linke. (Hg.): Leveraging technology for a sustainable world. Proceedings of the 19th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, USA, May 23-25, 2012. Heidelberg, New York: Springer, S. 525-532. ISBN 978–3-642-29068-8


  • Pechmann, Agnes; Schöler, Ilka: Ausbau der Produktionsplanung und –steuerung um den Aspekt der Energieeffizienz, Erweiterung einer bestehenden PPS Software und deren Implementierung – ein Abschlussbericht; Schriftenreihe der Hochschule Emden/Leer, Band 2, 2011
  • Tampe-Mai, Karolin; Pechmann, Agnes; Glanz, Sabrina: Innovationen im Netz: Die Rolle von Beziehungen zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft für den Wissens- und Technologietransfer. Band 2: Die Sicht der Akteure. In: Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Risiko- und Nachhaltigkeitsforschung, Band Nr. 21, Online unter 2011. ISBN: 978-3-938245-20-0
  • Pechmann, Agnes; Ruddat, Michael; Sautter, Alexander; Tampe-Mai, Karolin (2011): Innovationen im Netz: die Rolle von Beziehungen zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft für den Wissens- und Technologietransfer. Theoretische und empirische Netzwerke im Hochtemperaturbereich. Band 1: (Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Risiko- und Nachhaltigkeitsforschung, 20). Online verfügbar unter ISBN: 978-3-938245-19-4
  • Pechmann, Agnes; Schöler, Ilka (2011): Optimizing Energy Costs by Intelligent Production Scheduling. In: Glocalized solutions for sustainability in manufacturing. Proceedings of the 18th CIRP international conference on life cycle engineering, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany, May 2nd - 4th, 2011. 18th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering. Braunschweig, 2. - 4. Mai 2011. New York: Springer. ISBN: 978-3642196911
  • Pechmann, Agnes; Schoof, Matthias; Tampe-Mai, Karolin (2011): Innovationsprozess: Wissen disziplinoffen darstellen & verwertbar machen. In: wissensmanagement - Das Magazin für Führungskräfte (2), S. 32–35.
  • Pechmann, Agnes; Schoof, Matthias; Tampe-Mai, Karolin (2011): PIFURRA - Ein Werkzeug um dokumentiertes Wissen einfach nutzbar machen. In: Frank Piller und Dennis Hilgers (Hg.): Innovative Methoden für den Technologietransfer.


  • Hilgers, Dennis; Pechmann, Agnes; Schumacher, Gerd (2010): Technologietransfer in der Werkstofftechnik. In: Institut für Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen (Hg.): Jahresmagazin Ingenieurwissenschaften, Bd. 2010, S. 154. Online verfügbar unter ISSN: 1618-8357
  • Pechmann, Agnes; Piller, Frank; Schumacher, Gerd; Hilgers, Dennis (Hrsg.): Technologie- und Erkenntnistransfer aus der Wissenschaft in die Industrie. Eine explorative Untersuchung in der deutschen Material- und Werkstoffforschung. Jülich (Schriftenreihe Projektträger Jülich). 2010. Online verfügbar unter ISBN: 978-3-89336-624-8