Student Survey

Every year during the summer semester, the university conducts a student survey. This gives bachelor's students from the second semester onwards and all master's students the opportunity to express their views on the following topics:

  • Study situation and conditions
  • Practical and professional relevance
  • Extracurricular studies
  • Study planning and success
  • Equipment
  • Service facilities
  • Stay(s) abroad
  • Sustainability and social responsibility
  • Accessible and non-discriminatory university

The student survey is aimed at improving the study conditions and quality.

The survey was developed by the Office of Higher Education Planning and Quality Assurance (HP/QS) in consultation with the departments and institutions. The contents are reviewed at regular intervals and adapted as needed.

The coordination, implementation and evaluation is the responsibility of the HP/QS. As part of the evaluation, the departments and central institutions are provided with reports of the results. Based on the results provided, they then develop and implement measures to improve the study conditions and quality.

The survey is being conducted and evaluated in accordance with the current General Data Protection Regulation.

Further information on the survey process and data protection can be found here in the following accordion or after logging in to the intranet of the "Description of the procedure for central student and alumni surveys at the University of Emden/Leer".


The processing of personal data in the context of the student survey is carried out in accordance with Art. 5, para. 1 b EU-DSGVO (Principles for the processing of personal data). The purpose of the processing is the systematic analysis and assurance of the quality of studies and teaching at the University of Emden/Leer. Further processing of personal data in a manner incompatible with this purpose will not take place. The legitimisation (Art. 5, para. 1 b EU-GDPR (principles for the processing of personal data)) and lawfulness of the processing (Art. 6, para. 1 a and c EU-GDPR (lawfulness of the processing)) is given according to § 5, para. 1 NHG (evaluation of research and teaching) in conjunction with § 17, para. 1-4 NHG (processing of personal data).

The most important information in brief:

  • The survey is conducted in strict compliance with data protection regulations.
  • No student data is passed on to third parties.
  • The answers in the questionnaires are used only for the purposes of quality assurance in teaching and studies.
  • The data of the respondents are anonymous after entry and cannot be linked to student data.
  • No statistical evaluations involving personal data are carried out.
  • The results are published in a report form that does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about individual persons. For example, no evaluations are carried out if the number of cases for a question is not at least n = 5.

The students' email addresses are provided for the Enrolment and Examination Office to send invitations.

The basis for this is § 5, para. 1 NHG (Evaluation of Research and Teaching) in conjunction with § 17, para. 1-4 NHG (Processing of Personal Data) as well as an application for the disclosure of personal data approved, among others, by the Data Protection Officer and the Vice President for Studies and Teaching.

In accordance with Art. 5, para. 1 c EU-GDPR (Principles for the processing of personal data), attention has been paid to data minimisation in the course of the application.

The students' contact details are always saved and stored separately from the survey data on an external storage medium. Contact details are never linked to survey results, nor can they be.

The addresses will be used solely for the purposes of conducting the survey and will be deleted once the survey is completed.

Before the mass emails are sent, the email addresses are assigned a link with an individual access code that students use to log into the online survey.

With the help of this code, respondents can take part in the online survey (sufficient protection against so-called ‘third-party completion’ is thus ensured).

It is not possible to match the access code to the answers in the questionnaire because the access codes are not included in the survey data.

The central student and alumni surveys are evaluated by the University Planning and Quality Assurance staff unit.

The administrative department provides the departments and institutions with the results of the individual surveys at various levels via a central, restricted-access storage location, insofar as the response rates allow. As a rule, the minimum number of responses for a report is n = 5. The survey results are only published in aggregated and anonymised form, so that no conclusions can be drawn about individuals.


If you are interested, questions and suggestions, please contact:

Andre Schneke
University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer
Constantiaplatz 4
26723 Emden


Tel.: (04921) 807-1402
E-Mail: studierendenbefragung(at)
Mon - Thu. 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.