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Study Programme Industrial Informatics (Master)

Below, you will find essential information for the start of your studies.

Introductory Event

On Monday, March 3rd, 2025, at 09:00am (CET), there will be an introduction by the faculty administration in the E+I-Technikum (room D013). You can use the Room-Navigator to locate exact locations on our campus.
Refer to the university's First semester students page for details.

Special Welcome Session
On Monday, March 3rd, 2025, there will be a special welcome session for "Industrial Informatics" students at 10:00am (CET) in room P113. This session will provide personalized information and time for specific questions.

German Course
Consider enrolling in the German course offered before each semester. Early action is necessary Link to International Office offerings.

Course start

Courses commence on March 3rd, 2025. Refer to the time table for detailed information.

University Systems
Ensure you have received your login credentials in advance for various university computer systems. If not, follow the process outlined by the Computer Center in the Service Portal under "Request account data". Use your credentials to access the Moodle Learning Management System, register as a student of Industrial Informatics, and enroll in individual courses.

Late Arrivals
We understand that some of you may not be able to arrive in Emden at the start of the semester due to travel or visa restrictions. If this applies to you, please ensure you begin your studies on time by making full use of the resources available in Moodle.

Course Registration:

  • Refer to the timetable to identify the courses being offered.
  • Register for your chosen courses through Moodle.

Course Materials:

  • Most instructors upload PDFs of presentation slides.
  • Some also provide lecture recordings via our BBB system.


  • Use the "Forums" feature on Moodle to connect with fellow students and teaching staff for questions or discussions.

Even if you are not physically in Emden, you can stay engaged and keep up with your studies.

Final remarks
For the upcoming summer term 2025, our course offerings will be on campus and in-person.

Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions. We look forward to welcoming you to the Industrial Informatics Master's Programme!


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[Translate to english:] Der Nachrichtenfeed der Hochschule

Student Service Center

Further questions about studying? Get in touch with us...