Wege ins Studium

Ways towards Higher Education

Here you will find a list of the prerequisites that you require for the purposes of studying. If you determine that you do not yet meet these requirements, we show you appropriate ways to acquire the necessary requirement of a higher education entrance qualification.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

You can matriculate as a student if you fulfil the requirements in the entry brochure. You can find the brochure here.

You can find a general description of the requirements for university entry in Lower Saxony in the “Coordinating unit for study counselling in Lower Saxony”. There, you will also find more information about studying at universities and universities of sciences, as well as technical colleges: Studying in Lower Saxony

Special conditions apply for our applicants with overseas certificates. You can read these here.

You can find an overview of the courses of study with limitations on entry, including the details of NC values in previous years here.

The following applies: If the number of applicants exceeds the number of study places, a selection process decides on admission.


If you are interested in a course of study with limitations on entry and are unsure whether you will get a place with your average grade, feel free to get in touch with us!

Study with or without Abitur - our university is open to you!

The Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences is part of the “Open University” programme initiated by the federal and regional governments. This aims to open universities up to new target groups to counteract the growing skills shortage. With this plan, the permeability between professional and academic education should be increased in particular. The aim is to increase the education opportunities of all citizens as well as promote life-long learning.

A particular focus of the “Open University” is professionally qualified individuals.

Possible target groups are, for example:

Master craftsmen and technicians as well as graduates of specialist vocational training programmes in accordance with § 53 and § 54 of the Vocational Training Act and § 42 and § 42a of the Crafts Code (at least 400 contact hours), who have a general university entry entitlement through their vocational qualification. (Further information: § 18,4 NHG)

Vocationally qualified individuals, who have applied for a subject-specific university entry entitlement after a recognised three-year apprenticeship and a three-year period of vocational experience (Amendment to the Lower Saxon Higher Education Act in 2010). At the Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences, the following subject assignments currently apply. The list is provisional and is regularly changed and added to. If your training profession is not listed and you believe that it is closely related to a course of study, please contact the central study counselling office and arrange a counselling appointment. It may then be the case that your matter may be processed within the terms of a unique case examination. Employed individuals who completed an apprenticeship after obtaining the Abitur certificate or equivalent but have not yet completed any academic education

Employed individuals with a completed undergraduate degree and who are interested in furthering their studies


Individuals returning to work

Overseas prospective students

If you belong to this group and are interested in study or further study, feel free to contact our colleagues at the central study counselling office. Entry requirement

You don’t know whether you meet the entry requirements for a course of study? Then feel free to get in contact with us at the study counselling office.

Gaining entitlement to enter the university without a university/technical college leaving certificate (aptitude examination) Prospective students who do not yet have permission to study can inform themselves about the possibilities of obtaining a university or technical college entry entitlement (aptitude examination). With the aptitude examination, you can obtain a special technical college entry which only applies for the particular (affected) course of study which you would like to join.


It is intended for prospective students who otherwise had no opportunity to study at a university because of their school results.

If you are part of this group of applicants and are interested in studying, we recommend arranging an information and counselling appointment with our colleagues at the Central Study Counsellingoffice.

Examination for gaining the subject-related university entry permit in accordance with vocational experience

With the examination for gaining the subject-related university entry permit in accordance with vocational experience, prospective students with vocational experience but no Abiturcan study at a university in Lower Saxony.


The examination (also called aptitude examination or examination of the gifted) is completed for a course of study chosen by yourself, regardless of your previous vocational focus. Beforehand, you must complete a preparatory course which is offered by various adult learning institutions. An overview of institutions offering preparatory courses is available via the Lower Saxon Agentur für Erwachsenen-und Weiterbildung (Agency of Adult and Continuing Education).


The legal requirements are set down by the Lower Saxon Ministry of Culture in an ordinance (pdf).


It is highly recommended to find out about the entry requirements at an early stage. For general information, contact the preparatory institutions and colleges in Lower Saxony which offer your desired course of study.

Examination structure

The examination is divided into two parts and covers a general and a special (subject-specific) part.


The examinations for the general part are organised and provided by the preparatory institution, adult education centres and other adult education providers. Please contact the local institutions Educational Association “Arbeit und Leben”

or the Emden Volkshochschule (adult education centre).


On the other hand, the examinations for the special part are organised and carried out by the university where the course of study should take place.

Please get in touch with Inken Thiele if you need to discuss this.

Email: inken.thiele|at|hs-emden-leer.de Tel: 04921- 807-1349


Requirements for aptitude examination registration

In general, for registration, the following requirements must be fulfilled:

The applicant must have completed at least a two-year apprenticeship in a recognised training profession or a recognised valid vocational apprenticeship by examination and afterwards have been active for at least two years with this vocation as their main employment.


Instead of the vocational apprenticeship requirements listed above and the subsequent minimum of two years’ vocational experience, a period of at least five years with this vocation as the main job can also be used, provided the demands are comparable with that of the training profession. The independent management of a household with the responsible care of at least one person requiring guardianship or care also applies as a principle occupation.


In addition, the applicant must prove that they have prepared intensively for the examination by way of a report from a recognised institution of further education or an administrative or business academy. The report can also be requested from a person who has completed university study and has supported the preparation of the applicant in the subjects of the general part of the examination at vocational education level.


The special part of the examination is completed at the university where the desired course of study is offered.


 This can mean that participation in a subject preparatory course may be necessary. Universities which offer the desired course of study can give information on this. Subject preparation courses for the special part are not usually offered by the Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences. The preparation takes place on an individual basis in agreement with the examiner. If there is sufficient interest in a preparatory course, this will be offered by agreement

Registration for the aptitude examination

The examination registration takes place with the required documents at the Lower Saxon examination office for the acquisition of a subject-specific university entry entitlement in Hildesheim. The preparatory institutions can provide information on this.

The deadline for registration for the examination is 1 October of the year. You can find the registration documents here.

The contact details of the examination office are listed in the following:


Contact: Responsible examination office in Lower Saxony:

Prüfungsamt für die Prüfung zum Erwerb der fachbezogenen Hochschulzugangsberechtigung Niedersächsisches Landesinstitut für schulische Qualitätsentwicklung (NLQ) [Examination office for the examination for the obtaining of the subject-specific university entry entitlement at the Lower Saxon Regional Institute for School Quality Development]

Keßlerstraße 52

31134 Hildesheim

Tel.: 05121 1695-219

Fax: 05121 1695-297


Kathrin Marheineke kathrin.marheineke|at|nlq.niedersachsen.dehttp://www.nlq.niedersachsen.de


For the Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences, the following coordinator can advise:

Birgit Tischner

Tel.: (04921) 807-1349

Fax: (04921) 807-1000

Email: birgit.tischner|at|hs-emden-leer.de



Vorbereitung auf ein Studium

Da für ein Studium in den Fachbereichen Seefahrt, Technik und Wirtschaft mathematische Grundlagen vorausgesetzt werden, bietet die Hochschule  Emden/Leer verschiedene Angebote, um sich auf ein Studium vorzubereiten.

Experience tells us that the most undergraduates are surprised about the required entrance level particularly in the fields of mathematics and as a result of this they have experienced significant start-up problems. Although mathematics itself is an academic subject, certain basic principles will already be provided from the start of the course.

To cover this gap before the start of your course, you will be offered in the faculties or departments of the university preparation courses with different content and also in different, complementary teaching and learning forms.

You can use the offered courses to prepare for the following courses of study:

These courses begin one week before the beginning of the lectures. It is advised to take part in these courses.


Pre-courses and bridge courses in mathematics to support the transition from school to university prepare you for your STEM course of study. Helpful here are the online courses OMB+ and VE&MINT.

Anrechnung vorhandener Kenntnisse

Anrechnung beruflich/schulisch erworbener Kenntnisse auf Studiengänge

Nach einem Beschluss der Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK) vom 28.06.2002 können „außerhalb des Hochschulwesens erworbene Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten (…) im Rahmen einer (…) Einstufung auf ein Hochschulstudium angerechnet werden, wenn (…) sie nach Inhalt und Niveau dem Teil des Studiums gleichwertig sind, der ersetzt werden soll.“

Für beruflich Qualifizierte bedeutet dies für alle Studiengänge:
Außerhochschulisch und beruflich erworbene Kenntnisse können auf ein Studium angerechnet werden. Die Prüfungskommission entscheidet darüber, ob eine Gleichwertigkeit vorliegt und ob eine Anerkennung möglich ist. Ein entsprechender Antrag ist erforderlich.

Siehe Allgemeiner Teil (Teil A) der Prüfungsordnung für alle Präsenz-Bachelorstudiengänge (BPO) der Hochschule Emden/Leer vom 04.09.2017:

§ 17 (5) 1Außerhochschulisch und beruflich erworbene Kompetenzen in Bezug auf Lernziele, Inhalt und Niveau einzelner Module oder Teilmodule werden auf Antrag angerechnet, soweit die Gleichwertigkeit entsprechend Absatz 1 festgestellt ist. ²Qualifikationen, die in Fachweiterbildungen erworben wurden, können, soweit die Gleichwertigkeit entsprechend den Absätzen 1 und 2 festgestellt ist, pauschal angerechnet werden.  ³Über die pauschale Anrechnung von Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen entscheidet die Prüfungskommission. 4Die Anrechnung von Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen gemäß Abs. 5 ist höchstens bis zur Hälfte der in diesem Studiengang zu vergebenden Kreditpunkte möglich.

Crediting specific school achievements from graduates of secondary schools specialising in economics and vocational economics grammar schools is possible.

You can find more information and the application here

It is possible to credit specific school achievements from graduates of secondary schools specialising in health and social care, vocational social education grammar schools and vocational schools for social pedagogy. For this, students must submit an application for recognition: 

You can find the application here.

General crediting in Social Work and Health

In the following courses of study in Social Work and Health, vocational previous education is generally credited to the course of study:

  • Interdisciplinary physiotherapy, motology and ergotherapy: A completed, relevant secondary vocational education is credited to the course of study for ergotherapists and physiotherapists with 75 CP and for motologists with 80 CP.

Course of study Nautik und Seeverkehr (Nautics and Maritime Traffic): The following subjects of secondary vocational education as Nautical Officer (state certified technician) can generally be credited: English, Emergency Management, Personnel Management, System Monitoring, Healthcare, Watch Duty, Manoeuvring, Telecommunications and Administration, Classic Navigation, Loading Technology, Dangerous Loading.