Navigation laboratory
The simulators reconstruct the practical conditions and circumstances of your possible later working environment in the field of ship handling. You thus have the opportunity to apply and consolidate the theoretical knowledge that you have gained in the lectures in a realistic environment.
Head of navigation laboratory: Prof. Kapt. Rudolf Kreutzer
Team of navigation laboratory: Prof. Kapt. Michael Vahs / Cornelia Beelmann, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
The navigation laboratory is located on the 1st floor of the Mariko building.
The following simulators are available to you in the navigation laboratory:
The five bridges of the ship handling simulator have been recreated based on the dimensions and equipment on a ship’s bridge. All of the bridge equipment is available in the simulator as real equipment or is modelled equivalently. A total of three of the bridges have a visual system (1 x 270°, 2 x 120°).
The students learn to apply the theoretical knowledge they have learned in small groups in the ship handling simulator, and thus gain the necessary skills to later operate a ship themselves.
There are more than 40 different ships and more than 30 different maritime areas available to choose from in the extensive database.
All of the ships and maritime areas are constantly developed and optimised in the Faculty of Shipping in order to ensure the most realistic handling possible, particularly with regard to the hydrodynamics. Alongside education, the simulator is commercially marketed and is used for research projects and the training of ship’s officers, captains and navigators, among other things.
In addition to the standard ship types, training on offshore vehicles (AHTS) and tugboats with various propulsion systems is also done in order to train the students in the use of various propulsion concepts.
Training on the ship handling simulator is supported by navigators and tugboat captains who, during the course of practical exercises, give the students an insight into their particular day‑to‑day working lives.
- Bridge Team Management
- Bridge Resource Management
- Maritime Resource Management (Swedish P&I Club)
The resources available to humanity are increasingly located in the sea and in regions which are not easily accessible. In the longer term, this is increasing demand for qualified personnel in the field of offshore shipping, both in coastal waters for wind energy and in other regions for the extraction of fossil fuels.
The dynamic positioning simulator allows the students to familiarise themselves with the highly complex technology of these systems. During the course of exercises, scenarios are developed in which routes are generated and sailed, and targeted fault analysis is required in critical situations.
Alongside the DP simulator, training is also done on the ship handling simulator.
- Dynamic Positioning in accordance with the STCW2010 requirements
In the liquid cargo simulator, which has four workstations, the loading processes for gas, chemical, product and crude oil tankers can be simulated.
During the session, in addition to loading, unloading and the associated problems, the students learn to apply the “best management practices (BMP)” in order to ensure safe operation of the tankers.
- Advanced Liquefied Gas Tanker Operations
- Advanced Oil Tanker Operations
Advanced Chemical Tanker Operations
In the engine room simulator, which has four workstations, the students familiarise themselves with different engine room configurations (2-stroke and 4-stroke diesel engines).
During optional sessions under the supervision of experienced engineers, they gain the technical knowledge to later be able to make the right decisions for operation of the entire ship as the responsible officer. In additional to the simulation of all system-relevant assemblies on the screens, a three-dimensional view is possible thanks to 3D animation.
- Engine Room Resource Management
Since the middle of 2018, ECDIS systems have been among the mandatory equipment on board ships.
In the ECDIS laboratory, which has 12 workstations, the students learn to handle the electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS).
Complex navigational problems must be solved in the bridge team on various ships and ship types, taking the radar and the specific manoeuvring capabilities into account.
Certificates: Generic ECDIS Training 1.27
Type-specific training:
- SAM Electronics 1100
- SAM Electronics Platinum