In the area of financial management, on the one hand, the financial management of companies is considered comprehensively. You learn how the optimal supply of a company with financial resources takes place. You will study current financial instruments and learn about and evaluate other measures of capital procurement, capital structuring and contractual design of financial relationships via payment, information, monitoring and security rights between companies and their capital providers. Current financing options via financial markets also play a role in your studies. In addition, you will learn how to manage credit institutions in the area of bank management.
Im Bereich des Controllings geht es um die Unterstützung des Managements durch Controlling-Prozesse, insbesondere Planung, Kontrolle, Analyse und Berichtswesen, um das Unternehmen zielorientiert zu steuern. Hierdurch soll einerseits Transparenz im Unternehmen geschaffen werden, also z. B. klar werden, an welchen Produkten und an welchen Kunden man wie viel Geld verdient. Andererseits sollen die Teilbereiche des Unternehmens miteinander koordiniert werden, also z. B. dafür gesorgt werden, dass Entwicklung, Produktion und Absatz von den gleichen Erwartungen für die künftige Umsatzentwicklung des Unternehmens ausgehen. Zudem soll durch den Einsatz des Controllings klar werden, ob ein Unternehmen seine angestrebten Ziele erreicht oder künftig Probleme bekommt, und wenn ja wo. Das Ganze findet sowohl auf der strategischen als auch auf der operativen Ebene statt. Spezialgebiete des Controllings sind das zum Beispiel das Kostenmanagement, das Nachhaltigkeitscontrolling, oder auch das funktionale Controlling (für Marketing, Produktion oder Logistik).
In the focus area of financial management and controlling, numerous excursions, practical lectures and projects are integrated into the teaching. Find out from the focus representatives (who all come from practice) about the offerings in the coming semester.
The teaching is practice-oriented: Current developments are treated and discussed as case studies. Business games also play an important role in the teaching portfolio and enable you to apply your acquired knowledge under real conditions.
Financial management: Your possible career fields are corporate finance departments and any activities and areas in banks and savings banks. In addition to the two main areas of banking and financial management, you will also specialize in the research areas of reorganization, restructuring and insolvency.
Controlling: You can start your career in a qualified position in planning and controlling departments, such as controlling, business administration or corporate development. Frequent fields of employment are also the assistance of the board of directors or the management, up to the commercial management.
Financial management: - Corporate Finance - Securities Management - Restructuring Management - Mergers & Acquisitions - Banking and Finance Law - Entrepreneurship - Failing Corporates - Corporate Finance Controlling: - Strategic and Operational Controlling - Cost and divisional controlling - Modern controlling concepts - Logistics Controlling - Computer Aided Management Accounting - International Project Management - Controlling Project |
Weber/Schäffer: Introduction to Controlling, 16th edition, 2020 Portisch: Financing in the Corporate Life Cycle, 2nd edition, 2016 Portisch: Restructuring and Insolvency from a Bank Perspective, 4th edition, 2019 Portisch/Cranshaw: Praxishandbuch Unternehmensrestrukturierung nach StaRUG, 2022 |

Forschungsschwerpunkte: Controlling in KMU, Investitionscontrolling
Strategisches und Operatives Controlling, Kosten- und Bereichscontrolling; Cases in Managerial Accounting
Telefon: 04921 – 807 1012

Forschungsschwerpunkte: Sanierung, Restrukturierung und Insolvenz
Unternehmensfinanzierung, Wertpapiermanagement, Sanierungsmanagement, Mergers & Acquisitions
Telefon: 04921 – 807 1177

Forschungsschwerpunkte: Law & Economics, Corporate Law
Projektfinanzierung, Entrepreneurship, Corporate Finance, Failing Corporates
Telefon: 04921 – 807 1224

Forschungsschwerpunkte: Logistikcontrolling
Computer Aided Management Accounting, International Project Management, Logistik-Controlling,
Telefon: 04921 – 807 1211