Once per semester the International Office and the Representative for students with (health) impairments and chronic diseasesoffer a special info-session for students with special needs who are interested in a semester abroad (studies, internships). Here you will find an overview of the dates of the information events of the International Office.

Furthermore, you can make an individual appointment. This way we can counsel you according to your needs.

Students with a disability or chronic illness can receive a special additional financial compensation for a stay abroad (study/internship), when they receive a grant for their stay abroad:

Erasmus Programme

Webpage of the national Erasmus Agency (DAAD):

Prerequisite: Degree of disability of at least 20% or proved disability/chronic illness that creates an additional financial need abroad

Proof needed: Handicapped ID, official letter from the "Landessozialamt" or oder medical certificat

Possibility 1: Special financial support as a top-up

Verification by declaration of honor ==> additional verification can be requested, e.g. B. Severely handicapped ID, notice from the state social welfare office, medical certificate

In addition to the monthly country rate (from SS 2025: country group 1 600 €, country group 2 and country group 3 both 540 €), participants receive a monthly "top-up" for students with "fewer opportunities" of 250 € (additional top-up of 150 € for internships).

Possibility 2: Special funding via a real cost application

Evidence of this is provided by a severely handicapped ID card, notification from the State Social Welfare Office or a doctor's certificate + proof of costs

Individual application (together with the International Office), where the extra costs caused by the stay abroad are specified

Must be submitted to the national Erasmus Agency (DAAD) 2 months before the start of the stay abroad.

The national agency then checks the application and approves the funding accordingly.

Possible funding: preparatory trips (incl. accompanying person) and additional costs related to being abroad during mobility up to 15.000 €/semester and 30.000 €/year

Accounting and storage of the original documents by University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer

You will find general information about the Erasmus programme under the following links:

Erasmus grant for a study stay abroad

Erasmus grant for an internship abroad

PROMOS Programme

Prerequisite: PROMOS scholarship holder with degree of disability of at least 50% or chronic illness

Up to 10,000 € for a period of up to 6 months to cover the extra costs (including costs for an assistant), where no other funding is possible

Calculation of the extra costs (e.g. for travel, necessary local trips, accomodation, medical care, didactic media) through comparison with expenses of people without disability

Handing in of the application (with the help of the International Office) at least two months before the start of the stay abroad ==> Please inform the International Office as soon as possible, if you have a disability and plan to hand in a PROMOS application

The following documents are needed:

- Recection of the statutory health insurance or other insurance to cover the costs

- Copy of your severely handicapped pass

- For people with chronic illness: medical certificate with description of the medical needs

- Further documents explaining the need and adequacy of the additional expenses

General information about the PROMOS programme can be found under the following links:

PROMOS grant for a study stay abroad

PROMOS grant for an internship abroad

Programmes with direct application at the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

E.g. HAW International, DAAD Jahresstipendien (scholarships for a full year), DAAD Kombinierte Studien- und Praxissemester (for combined study and internship stay abroad)

As for PROMOS, selected scholarship holders can apply for additional funding for extra costs abroad due to a disability or chronic illness of up to 10,000 €.

Further information:

Hereyou will find more information regarding these programmes.

Here are some other useful links:

Praxisbeispiele Sonderförderung: ==> "Inklusion und Chancengerechtigkeit" ==> The European platform about inclusion and support services offered by higher education institutions, national agencies and ministries for education to international students. ==> Find wheelchair-accessible places worldwide