The university would like to make it easier for students with health impairments to study or to consider their concerns comprehensively.
The counselling service for the disabled supports and advises students.
Students with impaired mobility can reach the lecture halls, library and secretary's office via handicapped-accessible entrances, some with automatic door openers including elevators.
A workstation for the visually impaired (text scanner with reading aloud function) is planned for the library.
The project and the working group "Barrier-free University" have existed since 2016 with the aim of continuously making campus and university life, including teaching, more inclusive. Starting in the summer semester of 2019, all teachers will be provided with a handbook entitled "Enabling students with disabilities/chronic illness to study as barrier-free as possible" and will be included in the continuing education programme for teachers as a topic.
Translated with
Students who, due to their impairment or chronic illness, are unable to complete their studies or examinations in the form intended can apply for compensation for disadvantages. This is regulated in the examination regulations: BPO, § 8 Para. 5. With regard to the application, there are contact persons in the departments. Wiebke Hendeß from the Studentenwerk Oldenburg offers you advice.
Representative for students with (health) impairments and chronic diseases at Hochschule Emden/Leer Karin Homp | e-mail: karin.homp(at) tel.: 0171 8661 980 and 04921-807-1988 Office hours Mondays from 10 am to 1 pm or by appointment. |
Counseling for chronically ill and disabled students at Studentenwerk Oldenburg | e-mail: behindertenberatung(at) tel.: 0441 798-2797 |
Students who, due to their impairment or chronic illness, are unable to complete their studies or examinations in the form intended can apply for compensation for disadvantages. This is regulated in the examination regulations: BPO, § 8 Abs. 17. respectively MPO, § 11 Abs. 17. Wiebke Hendeß of the Studentenwerk Oldenburg offers you advice.
International mobility of people with disabilities | e-mail: janine-huelsen(at) tel.: +49 4921 8071372 |
- Information for students/compensation for disadvantages
- Application for compensation for disadvantages
Please download the application (right click - save link as ...)
Studentenwerk counselling services
The Studentenwerk Oldenburg offers an extensive range of counselling services which are aimed at students and prospective students of the Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences.
There is information about the following areas:
- Psychological counselling
- Social counselling
- Student finance counselling and
- disability counselling
Click here to access the counselling services available at the Studentenwerk Oldenburg.