Family University Path
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"Sustainability" means always thinking about the future in everything we do. For example, making sure that water is used carefully so that everyone still has enough water in the future. "Sustainability" encompasses the environment, society and the economy. All over the world there are challenges like hunger, polluted oceans and and many children who cannot go to school. This is where the term "sustainable development" comes in and means that development should be done in a way that pays attention to the present as well as future generations. This also includes ensuring that all people around the world have the same opportunities to learn, grow up and live safely. In 2016, all United Nations countries therefore agreed on 17 Sustainable Development Goals. "Quality education," "Gender equality" and "Climate action" are three of the goals.

Good to know:
Before you throw away something to eat the next time, think for a moment whether you can still cook something delicious from it. For example, bananas that are already very ripe can be used to make banana ice cream. In addition to using leftovers, you can take care when shopping not to buy too much and to store what you have already bought properly. For example, tomatoes are best stored outside the refrigerator and separately from other vegetables and fruits.
Universities are places that participate in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. The Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences is particularly involved in this. On campus, for example, there is a "fooddealer" that you can find in the Lüttje Studi-Huus. The "fooddealer" is a refrigerator that is there to share food. Drinks and food that are no longer needed can be left there and others can take them away. This helps to counteract food waste. For its commitment, Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences was certified as a Fairtrade University in 2016 and, together with the city of Emden, received the Fairtrade Award in 2018.