Family University Path
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Another word for "Gracht" is "ditch" or "canal". Grachten are there for drainage and serve as transportation routes. But they are also popular for a boat, pedal boat or canoe trip. Besides these sedentary activities on the water, it is also possible to paddle the canals on a so-called "stand up paddle board" while standing up. If you want to get around on the water as well as live, move into a houseboat. From the water a completely different perspective can be taken. Due to the numerous canals in Emden, there are several bridges and locks: for example, the railroad bridge at the Delft and the Kesselschleuse in the Wolthusen district. But canals are not only found in the city of Emden, but also, for example, in the cities of Amsterdam and Zwolle in the Netherlands and in Bruges, a city in Belgium.