International Sustainability Program
The program offers an insight into environmental, social and economic challenges in addition to your study course. This international program is running in cooperation with different institutions in Europe and will help you to view the needs and possibilities to aim for a future which will allow also the following generations to live in a sustainable world. At the end you will get a certificate which will prove your interest and engagement for a sustainable future
What does the program provide:
Introduction: You participate in an international online meeting which will explain the program and offer the view of the partner institutions on sustainability.
- The program starts with an announcement at your home institution
- The international introduction is scheduled for the 16th of October 17:00. The link will be given to you by your home institution, when you register for the program
Lecture course:You find and point out an existing course of your curriculum, which contains sustainable aspects
- Contact your home institution to find an appropriate course
- For Emden, the following courses would (e.g.) be suitable in the fall term 24/25:
- Simulation of Energy Systems (T)
- Energy Storage (T)
- Wind challenge (T)
- Introduction to Modelling and Simuation (T)
- Sustainable Energy Project (T)
- Recovery of Recycable Materials (T)
- Green Economy and Digital Innovation (W)
- Sustainability Consulting (W)
Special sustainability course:You choose one additional course of a partner institution. These courses are offered via internet and you can follow the lectures at any time you want. At the end you give a short summary of the content with your personal evaluation.
The following courses are offered:
- “Our world – Our future”, offered by the Hochschule Emden- Leer, Germany
- “Circular Economy”, offered by the Geacollege, Slovenia
- “Sustainability in Tourism”, PAR, Croatia
- “Global Warming and Life Cycle Assessment”, Universida de Vigo, Spain
- “Agenda 2030: objectives and goals for sustainable development”, Universida de Vigo, Spain
- “Sustainable European Projects: Building a Greener Future”, Universida de Vigo, Spain
Project: You choose a project you can work on at any time you want. This project will be guided by your home institution. It is proposed that you choose a project which is offered also at the different partner institutions, as a common project,
Final workshop: You analyse the status of sustainability of a company in your area and present the result of your analysis at the final online workshop
Your advantages for this Sustainability course
- You will broaden your horizon with regard to sustainability including international aspects
- You will participate in an international program with students of different European institutions
- You will deepen your knowledge about the interdependence between ecology, economy and social needs for future life on earth
- You will increase ”your value” by this additional program, proving that you are interested in “more” than just the curricular certificate.
Registration is now open until 10 October 2024!
More information /registration:
For more information about the project, please contact Anna Gerritzen: anna.gerritzen(at)hs-emden-leer.de
For registration, please send an email with your name, study program and email address to Vera von Hunolstein: international.office(at)hs-emden-leer.de