Special exhibition in the National Museum 2019

In the town hall at the Delft, a big special exhibition regarding the place of science Ostfriesland is presented by the Ostfrisische Landesmuseum Emden and the University of applied sciences Emden/Leer. The special exhibition offers not only an insight in current researching activities and results of regional education institutions but also the itroductin of famous personalities born in Ostfriesland who rendered significant scientific achievements in the last five centuries. 

To demonstrate the transformation of production systems from industrie 3.0 to 4.0, a team of the University of applied sciences Emden/Leer under the ledership of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Agnes Pechman works on project, which shows such a transformation. It is presented from the 23th of june till the 13th of october 2019 in the Landesmuseum. To get more information to the exhibition please follow the link: http://www.landesmuseum-emden.de/1747-0-3

Short describtion of the exhibit

The digitalization of a production (keyword: Industriy 4.0 and Internet of Things (IoT)) allows the improvement of a production. Production data can be connected to data analysis by means of generic interfaces such as cloud applications (keyword: Big Data). To demonstrate this connection, the lerning factory "The automated classroom" in the University of applied sciences Emden/Leer is developed.

It consists of different demonstrators to offer students and stakeholders the possibility to get in touch with industry 4.0. Therefore, a demonstrating system out of Fischertechnik components and an ERP-system is developed. This learning factory simulates a shop floor production which fills orders with a lot size of one. The innovation in this project lies in the consequent implementation of architectural paterns suitable for the requirement of industry 4.0.

All components of the learning factory are digitally connected by having comunicaional interfaces to interactions between the systems. The aim is to unitize and to decouple the subsystems. 

Because of the modularization, a higher flexibility of the whole system is ensured. The different subcomponents can be easily exchanged and the time of reaction due to changes in products and processes is reduced. 

[Translate to english:] Container Überschrift Landesmuseum 2019