Companies that want to incorporate the topic of digitization into their production processes often see this as a major challenge at first. What does this actually mean for operations, how can such a new production environment look like, what will improve?
In order to illustrate the transformation of production systems from industry 3.0 to 4.0, a team from the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer, led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Agnes Pechmann, is currently working on a project showing this transformation. From 1 to 5 April 2019, it was presented at the Hannover Messe at the joint stand of Lower Saxony.
The digitalization of production offers numerous chances to improve production systems. This development is shown by a learning factory consisting of different Fischertechnik components and an ERP system. The learning factory shows a shop floor production with orders produced with a lot size of one. The transparency of the system is made possible by communication between the individual elements of the system. Each module is equipped with interfaces, which enable direct communication with other modules and increase the flexibility of the overall system. The modules can easily be exchanged responding to changing product portfolio or process changes.