Looking for a new challenge or a new professional perspective?

Do you already have a diploma or bachelor's degree or an equivalent degree with three and a half years of study in a technical field?

Do you have at least one year of full-time work experience and a reliable and certified command of English?

Yes? Then the foundation for our further education master program has already been laid. A master's degree can open up completely new career perspectives for you.

Find out more about our international further education programs here.

Further Education Master Technical Management (M.Eng.)

The further education master's programmeTechnical Management  combines technical skills with management expertise and complements this with highly essential know-how of professionalisation.

Within the first two semesters, students will implement management functions in the field of technology and learn how to use and develop problem-solving strategies in a creative way. The courses are highly practical. The third semester is reserved for the Master's thesis and the colloquium.

Further Education Master Business Intelligence and Data Analytics (M.Eng.)

The further education Master's programme in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics is the study and application of large data analysis, mining and programming to reveal insights that can be used to communicate, capture and maintain intelligence for businesses and organisations. The primary purpose of data science is to create and leverage various forms of data in order to better understand trends and phenomena. The Master's programme complements this with highly essential professionalisation skills.

In the first two semesters, students will implement functions in the fields of business intelligence, business analytics and data science and learn to creatively apply and develop problem-solving strategies. The courses are very practice-oriented.

The third semester is reserved for the Master's thesis and the colloquium.

Weiterbildungsstudiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik (online, berufsbegleitend, M.Sc.)

Der Master-Studiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik Online vermittelt die Qualifikationen, die für das Entwickeln von Lösungen aus dem Blickwinkel einer strategischen, unternehmerischen Perspektive und durch die Nutzung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse erforderlich sind. Der Studiengang bereitet auch auf eine Tätigkeit als Berater*in oder als Unternehmer*in in der IT-Branche vor. Außerdem eröffnet der Abschluss des Studiums den Zugang zum höheren Dienst.