In principle, you should aim to acquire 30 ECTS credits per semester abroad (analogous to the credit system at the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer), but at least 15. If the number of credits is less than 15, a separate justification must be submitted to the International Office for the ERASMUS+ and PROMOS programs. It will then be examined whether the mobility grant can be maintained. Please also get in touch with your department coordinator to discuss possible repetitions.
In order to guarantee the recognition of credits gained abroad, it is necessary that a Learning Agreement is concluded prior to the stay abroad, in which the courses/projects that you wish to attend at the foreign university are entered. The Learning Agreement also specifies the ECTS credits allocated to the course/project. Please refer to the information provided by the German Rectors' Conference (in German) on the question of what can be recognized. The Learning Agreement is signed by you and by the responsible person in the faculty ("responsible person" = person in the faculty who can guarantee the recognition of the credits, see also recognition schemes for the different faculties at the bottom of this page). The Learning Agreement is then sent to the foreign university and signed there. The International Office and the student will receive a copy of the Learning Agreement.
For ERASMUS+ stays at partner universities within the EU, Iceland, Croatia, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey a digital learning agreement is used. Information about this will be sent by the International Office to all students who have been selected for an Erasmus stay abroad.
Only in cases, where the exchange of a digital learning agreement with the partner university does not work, the following documents are used:
ERASMUS+ Learning Agreement Form “Before Mobility”
ERASMUS+ Learning Agreement Form “During Mobility”
Please also read this document with explanations for the forms (in German).
The following forms are used for stays outside ERASMUS:
Learning Agreement form “Before Mobility” outside ERASMUS (without study program IBS)
IBS Learning Agreement form "Before Mobility" outside ERASMUS
Learning Agreement form “During Mobility” outside ERASMUS
Please clarify the conversion into ECTS credits with the responsible person in the faculty in advance. We have also compiled a list with explanations of the form (in German) for you.
When discussing the recognition, you should also clarify with the responsible person in the faculty the basics for the conversion of the grades.
At the beginning of your stay abroad, it may turn out that you are unable to attend some of the planned courses for various reasons. In this case, the "During Mobility" form (see above), in which changes are entered, must be completed (in case of a digital learning agreement for Erasmus stays this form must also be handed in digitally via the platform). These changes and the details of the recognition must be agreed in advance by e-mail with the responsible person at the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer. The change form is then signed by the student and the representatives of the receiving university and sent to the International Office or the international coordinators (Faculty of Business Studies, Social Work and Health, IBS) in Emden.
As soon as you have received the official transcript of records from the receiving university after your stay abroad, this document must be submitted to the faculty and the International Office. At the same time, please submit the final version of the Learning Agreement and the recognition document (see below) to the faculty. This is where the grade conversion takes place.
Finally, the responsible person in the faculty reports the grades to the Examination Office, which then enters the grades and ECTS credits into your performance overview in accordance with the Learning Agreement.
Note for students of the Faculty of Business Studies: The Faculty of Business Studies has its own forms which have been adapted to the specific requirements of the Faculty. Furthermore, the coordination is not done by the International Office but by the international coordinators in the faculty. However, this does not change the basic handling of recognition. You can find further information in the recognition scheme of the Faculty of Business Studies.
You will also receive the further filled in and signed recognistion document as "Transcript of Records of the sending institution" and the stay abroad will be documented in the Annex to the Diploma Supplement. You will find further information further down on this page under "Recognition documents of the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer".
If there are problems concerning the recognition please contact the examination board of your faculty/department.
The University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer will provide its students after the receipt of the Transcript of Records of the receiving institution with the recognition document (Sending institution's transcript of records), usually within 5 weeks. Furthermore, the study semester abroad will be integrated in an Annex to the diploma supplement, which the students will receive at the end of their studies. The following steps are necessary for this:
1. Present the transcript of records of the receiving university as well as the learning agreement to the the responsible person in the faculty (see point 4).
2. Download the electronic recognition form.
3. Save the document under a new name and fill it out (except the right hand column with the grade at University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer). Please type the data at the computer, not by hand! Here are examples: general example; example study program IBS; example study program IBA
4. E-mail the document (please don't change the file format, it still has to be possible to fill in data) to the responsible person in your faculty. These are:
Faculty of Business Studies: Sonja Behrends (in advance you have to hand in the 5-page experience report)
Faculty of Technology/ Department of Natural Sciences: Prof. Dr. Martin Sohn
Faculty of Technology/Department of Mechanical Engineering (IBS): Prof. Dr. Esther Held
Faculty of Technology/Department of Mechanical Engineering (except IBS): Prof. Dr. Oliver Böcker
Faculty of Technology/Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences: Head of Examination Board (please ask in the secretary's office of the faculty)
Faculty of Social Work and Health: Katja Hakkarainen
Faculty of Maritime Sciences: Prof. Dr. Mathias Münchau
5.The responsible person adds the grades at University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer (right hand column) to the form and signs it as "sending instituion's transcript of records" as well as "annex to the diploma supplement" (the title can be changed on top of the document).
6.You will receive the version "sending institution's transcript of records". Janine Hülsen at the International Office needs a copy of the signed document.
7.The "annex to the diploma supplement" will be forwarded to the Examinations Office by the responsible person in the faculty, where it will remain until the end of your studies when the diploma supplement will be issued. The credits and grades that count towards your degree will be recorded.
Recognition processes in the faculties
For information about recognition in the faculties please do not hesitate to contact Janine Hülsen from the International Office.