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Regionales Innovationssystem NordWest

Laufzeit 01.03.2019 bis 28.02.2022
Projektvolumen (Teilprojekt) 170.000€
Projektvolumen (Verbund) 889.000€
Förderung durch ERASMUS+, Call for Proposals 2018 - EAC/A05/20
Projektleiter Prof. Dr. Juho Mäkiö
Fachbereich Technik / Elektrotechnik + Informatik


The overall goal of the project is to enhance employability of ICT master students & foster entrepreneurship & establishment of SMEs in the ICT sector by modernising the existing curriculum in ICT. The modernisation of the master ICT education on the planned interdisciplinary programme is aimed to equip graduates with competitive skills & competencies requested by the regional, national, and global market to optimise employability.

Weitere Informationen

Projektseite (Hochschule): Link

Projektseite (extern): Link


Prof. Dr. Juho Mäkiö
Constantiaplatz 4, 26723 Emden
Tel. (04921) 807 - 1804