The Master's degree program "Applied Life Sciences" (ALS) is being phased out.

Students enrolled on the ALS Master's degree course can either complete their ALS studies or switch to the new "Technology of Circular Economy" Master's degree course if they wish.

Modules for the Master's degree program ALS will be offered for the last time in the winter semester 2024/25.

Supervision of students in the context of project work, coursework and Master's theses is still guaranteed up to and including the winter semester 2026/27.
Examinations for the modules in the ALS degree program can also continue to be taken until then.

You can find further information on the discontinued ALS degree program in this moodle course:


The course of study first lays the foundations for analytical or process and bioprocess engineering. During your studies and during the master's thesis (in the 3rd semester), you can further specialize in applied analytics or process/bioprocess engineering.

There are relatively few compulsory modules. You may choose from the extensive catalogue of compulsory electives that are important for your major fields of study and for the development of your independent profile. Parts of the course of study take place in cooperation with the University of Oldenburg. Some of the modules are offered in English.

Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)

Full time

Standard period of study
3 semesters

Start of studies
Summer and winter semester

Study location

German and English
It is possible to complete the program exclusively in either German or English. However, the options are then limited.

Admission requirements
You meet the admission requirements when you have obtained a first degree qualifying you for a profession (a bachelor's degree or Diplom, at least 7 semesters or 210 CP) in chemical engineering, environmental technology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, energy efficiency, or another professionally suitable course of study.

For applicants from previous 6-semester courses (with 180 CP), additional modules are offered to make up the required CPs.
Please note: Applicants with less than 210 CP must have both English and German language skills.
Further details are regulated by the access and admission regulations.

Admission Restrictions

Credit points

Accredited by ZEvA

Faculty of Technology

Upon completion of your studies, you will be offered many different professional perspectives and attractive career opportunities, depending on your chosen major; for example, in analytical laboratories, in the biotechnological and pharaceutical industries, in the energy sector, or the chemical industry.

With a master's degree, you can also work in research and development and in the development of new technologies and solutions, for example, in research institutions.

The master's degree is also the foundation for your scientific career. After graduation, there are opportunities to do a doctorate at the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer in cooperation with other universities ("cooperative doctorates").

The course is divided into two fields of study:

  • Applied analytics
  • Process engineering/Bioprocess engineering

At the beginning of your studies, you choose one of these two fields of study. For each of these specializations, there is a compulsory module of 10 ECTS points (CPs). The other modules are part of the compulsory electives; these include modules on key qualifications (soft skills).

For each field of study, there is a wide range of current subjects to choose from.

In the field of applied analytics, the range of subjects extends from bioanalytics, environmental analysis (soil, water, air, interiors) of chemistry and analysis of food, environmental microbiology to quality assurance and quality management.

In the field of process engineering/bioprocess engineering, there are modules from biocatalysis, reaction engineering, cell culture technology to membrane technology, and safety and environmental management.

Part of the courses and the master's thesis can be completed in English. This makes it easier for you to start working in English, which is often required in smaller companies today.

Good school English is sufficient for understanding and working in the master's program. However, if necessary or on request, additional English courses can be arranged through the university's Language Center.

The Master's degree program "Applied Life Sciences" (ALS) is being phased out. New enrollment is no longer possible.

You can apply to the new study course  „Technology of Circular Economy“.

  • With the study course

Course guidance:
Prof. Dr. Gottfried Walker
E-Mail: Gottfried.Walker(at)

  • For orientation and study decisions

Student Counseling Service

  • For financing studies

Student Union Oldenburg

  • With your application

Registration Office

  • At the start of your studies

Introductory course for first semester students

Charlotte Heeg studied Applied Life Sciences in Emden:

"I also looked at other universities, but I knew when I arrived here that this is the right place for me," remembers Charlotte Heeg. This year, the 28-year-old graduated with a Master's Degree in Applied Life Sciences. She now works in Düsseldorf at the German subsidiary of Suez, the successor company of GE Water.

Other universities and universities of applied sciences were unable to keep up -- the landscape, the people and the short travel distances had already impressed Charlotte Heeg on her first visit to Emden. The dean of studies at the time also took almost an hour to answer Heeg's first questions. "That was my final decision," says Heeg. She was also given the opportunity to visit the natural science laboratories and get a taste of everyday life at the university. Before doing her master's degree, she had also completed her bachelor's degree in chemical engineering/environmental technology in Emden.

The first impression was not deceptive. "You get a very broad range of subjects during your studies, so that you are really well prepared for professional life afterwards," says Heeg. In addition, the cohesion among the students was very good. She still likes to come to the seaport city every now and then to visit friends she met during her studies.