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Master Program Technical Management and Business Intelligence and Data Analytics

Here you will find all important information about starting your study.


Dear first-year students:

Welcome to the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer!


Start of lectures is on Monday, March 10th, 2025. 

The introductory weeks of Technical Management and Business Intelligence and Data Analytics will take place from March 03rd, 2025. Events on the agenda for the first semester Welcome Week include our Survival Guide, the Welcome Meeting and a FAQ round. 

The official welcome event including the welcome by the Dean of the faculty Technology and the Dean of studies for the department Mechanical Engineering takes place on March 3rd, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Room D13 (see the room-finding page Raumnavigator). 

You will receive a detailed overview of the activities planned for the first semester week by e-mail from the Coordination Office. 


Further events and information can be found via the following links:

Opening Week HS Emden/Leer

We wish you a good and successful start and much academic enjoyment!

Schedule / time table

[Translate to english:] Semester- und Raumpläne des aktuellen Semesters


You can find all information about CampusCard here...


[Translate to english:] Der Nachrichtenfeed der Hochschule

Any questions?

Please get in contact with us