Institute of Logistics (HILOG)
The Institute of Logistics (HILOG) is a scientific institution of the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer . It bundles and links the university's competencies in the innovation fields of logistics and green technology.
In addition, HILOG coordinates the university's activities within the greentech OSTFRIESLAND initiative. As an interdisciplinary and cross-departmental institute, the HILOG has the following main areas of work:
- Coordination and/or implementation of interdisciplinary, national and/or international research projects
- Contract research for companies
- Promotion of research, networking and teaching through idea generation, application and acquisition of third-party and research funding, also in conjunction with companies and institutions, e.g. via funding programs such as ZIM, EFRE, BMBF, H2020, INTERREG
- Knowledge exchange and networking with companies, institutions, municipalities and associations, especially in the region, as well as their involvement in current research topics.
On the following pages you will find information about our consulting and technology transfer services, projects, the cross-university network initiative greentech OSTFRIESLAND, the user center as well as about our organization, cooperation partners and team.
Press releases

Nutzung des Windes für Energieeinsparung in der Seeschifffahrt
Abschlussveranstaltung des Forschungsprojektes „ROBUST“ in Leer. Abschlussveranstaltung des Projektes im Maritimen Kompetenzzentrum (MARIKO) in Leer…

Elektromobilität im Fokus
Vorträge an der Hochschule Emden/Leer. Umweltfreundliche und effiziente Verfahren nehmen nicht zuletzt seit der von der Bundesregierung beschlossenen…

Ressourcenschonung war Thema des Tages
Rund 100 Teilnehmer bei Regionalforum im Auricher EEZ. Die Netzwerkinitiative „greentech OSTFRIESLAND“ hat am Donnerstag zum zweiten Mal ein…